The Long Man of Wilmington distant view - 15.9.2018

Wilmington - Priory, Church and country views

Folder: South coast counties

The Long Man of Wilmington distant view - 15.9.201…

15 Sep 2018 13 21 279
Two views of the Long Man of Wilmington - Why? Because I couldn't decide which to upload. I like the view through the trees in this one, but the Long Man is very faint. In the other one he is more visible but the view is less picturesque.

The Long Man of Wilmington from the edge of the vi…

15 Sep 2018 3 6 195
Two views of the Long Man of Wilmington - Why? Because I couldn't decide which to upload. I like the view through the trees in the other one, but the Long Man is very faint. In this one he is more visible but less picturesque.

Wilmington Priory, entrance lobby as a dining room…

Wilmington Priory, the sitting room 15 9 2018

Wilmington Priory, upper 1st floor bedroom 15 9 20…

Wilmington Priory, vaulted porch 15 9 2018

Millennium window Wilmington Church 15 9 2018

St Mary & St Peter Wilmington font 15 9 2018

St Mary & St Peter Wilmington organ 15 9 2018

The Church of Saint Mary & Saint Peter - Wilmingto…

The Wilmington Yew at 1600 years old - 15 9 2018

The village war memorial Wilmington Church 15 9 20…

St Peter & the bee & butterfly window, Wilmington…

15 Sep 2018 100
This window is a replacement for a much earlier one severely damaged in a fire. Parts of the original can be seen at the lower edge of the window. The phoenix represents the reimagining of the old window following the fire.

St Mary & St Peter Wilmington pulpit 15 9 2018

St Mary & St Peter Wilmington inner door 15 9 2018

The Church of St Mary & St Peter - Wilmington - ch…

Wilmington Priory, the south wing bedroom 15 9 201…

15 Sep 2018 81
The Priory was being managed by the Landmark Trust as self-catering holiday accommodation and there was also annual open weekend, when these photographs were taken.

Wilmington Priory, Manor House main stairs 15 9 20…

20 items in total