Entrance Towers Pevensey Castle

Pevensey Castle

Folder: Castles, fortifications and military installations.

Entrance Towers Pevensey Castle

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This group of photographs of Eastbourne and the surrounding area is also from my grandfather, H.T.Sutters' collection of prints from the late 1800s. The originals have been given to the Eastbourne Local History Society.

Pevensey Castle from NW

0000-00-00 00:00:00 238
This group of photographs of Eastbourne and the surrounding area is also from my grandfather, H.T.Sutters' collection of prints from the late 1800s. The originals have been given to the Eastbourne Local History Society.

Pevensey Castle The inner bailey gatehouse, seen f…

Pevensey Castle Demi Culverin c 1587 - 24.7.2013

Pevensey Castle - The inner bailey wall, seen from…

Pevensey Castle - The Roman East Gate - 24.7.2013

Roman wall from North Tower - Pevensey Castle - 24…

Pevensey Castle - The inner bailey gatehouse, seen…

The Keep & South Tower from the East Tower - Peven…

Farm tractor working south of Pevensey Castle 24 7…

The moat at Pevensey Castle 24 7 2013

Sharing a garden wall with Pevensey Castle 24 7 20…

24 Jul 2013 2 1 75
I uploaded this photo having mistakenly thought that this photo - www.ipernity.com/doc/rjh/52149048 was of the same scene. However this house is not nearly as attractive as the one in Rosalyn's photo.

Pevensey Castle stairs to basement stores 25 10 20…