Worthing Pier from the west - 16 5 2019

Piers and seafront scenes

Folder: South coast counties
Seaside piers and other seafront structures - photos from the recent past and vintage period scenes.
Riverside piers are also included, although these are general more functional, places for boats and ships to board and off-load passengers and cargoes.

Eastbourne Pier from the Grand Parade - 30.12.2015

Eastbourne Pier from the West - 30.12.2015

Hastings Pier & seafront looking north 21 9 2018

21 Sep 2018 136
All these were taken with the panorama setting on my Panasonic TZ70.

Hastings Pier looking south 21 9 2018

21 Sep 2018 148
All these were taken with the panorama setting on my Panasonic TZ70.

Hastings Pier looking south towards the upper deck…

21 Sep 2018 1 162
All these were taken with the panorama setting on my Panasonic TZ70.

Hastings seafront from the upper deck of the pier…

21 Sep 2018 1 1 160
All these were taken with the panorama setting on my Panasonic TZ70.

The Shoal and the sea - Seaford - 29.11.2018

Lifeboat & trawler at jetty - Newhaven - 29.10.201…

29 Oct 2011 1 331
Now was this an emergency or an exercise? The weekends are a good time for the latter, especially for lifeboat volunteers and retained firemen, who wouldn't have to rush away from their jobs - assuming they don't work at weekends. 3.11.2011 - Thanks to the South Coast Leader (newspaper) we now know that William Mary snagged its nets on the bottom 21 miles out to sea. There was a fire in the engine room and one crew member had burns to his hands. The lifeboat was called out at 5.16am on Saturday. The fire was extinguished and the nets recovered. The lifeboat then towed the trawler back to port, arriving at about 11.30am.

Welcome to Worthing Promenade 14 5 2019

Worthing Pier sub structure from the south 16 05 2…

Worthing Pier sub structure from the east 16 05 20…

Worthing Pier from the east panorama 16 05 2019

14 May 2019 1 164
Taken with the panoramic setting on my Panasonic Lumix compact.

Worthing Pier from the east 16 05 2019

From Worthing Pier to the west 16 05 2019

From Worthing Pier to the east 16 05 2019

Birdman window Worthing Pier 14 5 2019

Siblings on the pier window Worthing Pier 14 5 201…

Windows on the Pier - Worthing - panorama - 14.5.2…

14 May 2019 1 212
This was taken using the 'Panorama' setting on my Panasonic compact camera. The screen is in fact in a straight line down the middle of the pier.

83 items in total