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rattle can

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Photo replaced on 28 Apr 2020
179 visits

positive and negative spray can accidental art - April 2020

positive and negative spray can accidental art - April 2020
This is the board on top of which I had been spraying dolls' house furniture and fittings. I wonder what it would be worth in a commercial gallery or auction. Positive = overspray. Negative = areas masked by paint cans and items being sprayed.

Beatrice Degan(MARS), Lebojo, Peggy C, John FitzGerald and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

 John FitzGerald
John FitzGerald club
The attractiveness of this has been greatly enhanced by your excellent choices of colour. Those must be some cool doll's houses.
4 years ago.
Phil Sutters club has replied to John FitzGerald club
It is a case of using the rattle cans I have been using on some refurbishment projects for a couple of churches- crimson, gold and black. Posh black and gold bathroom, sophisticated crimson and black bedroom for Mummy & Daddy dolls
4 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Frame it and put it up for sale ... someone will buy it !
4 years ago.

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