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Lew Evans House - stained glass screen - 24.11.2007

Lew Evans House - stained glass screen - 24.11.2007
There are further panels below those seen here, but they only continue the vegetation and bubbles and were obscured by chairs on both sides, when I had a chance to photograph them during a fund-raising event. Lew Evans House is a group of flats or apartments for elderly people who find it difficult to live in the wider community, because of disabilities or infirmity. It was originally built and managed by Southwark Council but was then transferred to a social housing association.

, Peggy C have particularly liked this photo

 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Love to look at the details in stained glass work.

I've got 1/2 a bushel of pieces from windows being replaced at a church in Mt. Airy, NC.
It is the old glass no longer made.
Still don't know what to do with it; probably should take classes to learn !
5 years ago.
Phil Sutters club has replied to Peggy C club
This is one of the very few photos that I have of secular stained glass. Most of my album is made up of photos of church windows - some grand and some quite simple. As you say the details are very often well worth examining.
I have volunteered to give a lecture at our local church next March to show some of my photos and draw out some of the history behind the individual windows - who they commemorate - which studio made them - what the interesting features are. It will be very much a case of this is what I have learnt in the last year about stained glass. In May this year I gave a talk on public artworks in the part of London I used to live and work in. As that was well received and raised some money for the church, I had to work out what, if anything, I could make into an interesting talk for next year. As I already had a fair collection of stained glass images, I thought that I would give that a go.
Anyway, good to hear from you, Peggy. I think a glass class sounds like a good idea. I stock-pile all sorts of things, tiles, wood, odd shaped bits of plastic or metal etc. but rarely get round to using them.
5 years ago.

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