Tirana- Coppersmith

Albania 2012

Lake Ohrid near Pogradeci #1

Lake Ohrid near Pogradeci #2

Lake Ohrid near Pogradeci #3

Lake Ohrid near Pogradeci #4

Near Pogradeci- Decorated Bunker

Lake Ohrid near Pogradeci #5

Near Pogradeci- Bleeding Fungus

Railway near Pogradeci #1

12 Sep 2012 79
Looks like a model! Taken through a coach window.

Railway near Pogradeci #2

12 Sep 2012 82
Taken through a coach window.

Librazhd- Disused Factory Building

12 Sep 2012 71
Taken through a coach window.

Librazhd- Abandoned Factory

12 Sep 2012 59
Taken through a coach window.

Railway Viaduct between Lin and Librazhd

12 Sep 2012 92
I'm not sure of the exact location. It is on the Tirana- Pogradeci line. Taken through a coach window.

Elbasani- Fast Food Outlet

12 Sep 2012 147
I hope this vehicle will remain stationary, considering its condition- especially the absence of headlights!

Elbasani- Sturdy Legs!

Elbasani- Long Distance Coach?

12 Sep 2012 109
This is one of two Hainje DAF buses which had apparently been acquired from Holland as they were still displaying Dutch destinations. A Google search has revealed that De Uithof is the campus of the University of Utrecht. The other bus had been bound for Kanaleneiland which is also in Utrecht. The actual destination of this one, displayed in the window, is Kurum.

Elbasani- 'Steel of the Party' Metallurgical Compl…

12 Sep 2012 79
Taken through a coach window. Having employed around 9000 people at the height of its production during the communist era (it opened in 1974) 90% of this plant is now disused. It is impossible to bring it up to international environmental standards.

Elbasani- 'Steel of the Party' Metallurgical Compl…

12 Sep 2012 97
Taken through a coach window. Having employed around 9000 people at the height of its production during the communist era (it opened in 1974) 90% of this plant is now disused. It is impossible to bring it up to international environmental standards.

Tirana- Why?

12 Sep 2012 67
Possibly advertising a car repair workshop. Taken through a coach window.

421 items in total