Wooden Orb ...

Orbs and ...

some seen but not explained..
others known ..

some 'created' ..
© All rights reserved

05 Oct 2015

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417 visits

ahhhh ...

- the rains have been good for her - she is blooming ! - no liquid sunshine today [ so far ] - tomorrow should be wonderful ! © All Rights Reserved -- EXPLORE --

18 Sep 2015

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400 visits

butterfly wings ..

.. original photo is an overlay .. the semi-orb was created using PSE 6 .. imagination running wild ! (c) All Rights Reserved - EXPLORE -

04 Sep 2015

4 favorites


300 visits

Oh, the things ...

one can do with a wildflower - even Mother Nature might not know her now ! (c) All Rights Reserved - Down the Road - Not My Garden -

23 Aug 2015

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326 visits

not made of cheese ....

'The Dark Side of the Moon" I was the words and you were the music We were a song, sung out of tune There is a light that brightens the night-time Ah but there's a dark side of the moon I was a house and you were my window I could see light, but only through you Now I'm a house without any windows Ah there's a dark side of the moon Love is a lovely, lovely feeling Love is the light that shines from the moon There is a light that brightens the night-time Ah but there's a dark side of the moon Love is a lovely, lovely feeling Love is the light that shines from the moon There is a light that brightens the night-time Ah but there's a dark side of the moon ( Album : Off The Wall ) - Roger Miller ** EXPLORE ** (c) All Rights Reserved

24 Jun 2015

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322 visits

- the process

- with this one am happy - the shape and tones - a Sabian cymbal - autographed by local and regional musicians - is Art (c) All Rights Reserved

02 Jun 2015

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303 visits

- soft

and intense - an Orb created from - Daylily with raindrops - background the edges of a pastel sunset - then, framed - (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

21 May 2015

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306 visits

when I grow up -

I shall be a Daylily - many stems / scapes with buds - Daylily Riot is on the way ! ** 2 notes ** (c) All Rights Reserved these buds were eaten by deer --- sigh --- so as very few survived, made a Deer Cocktail to spray on all the Daylily plants .... it has worked -- guess they are dining elsewhere .. .. Deer Cocktail .. soapy water with a little salad oil and some hot sauce or Scriracha .. I spray every other day ---- just to be sure the deer aren't going to try again ..

31 Mar 2015

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204 visits

- and on Tuesday

I became a shape-shifter .. from the photo * 1 note * .. to a Orb with an overlay of the original .. reversed .. blue skies and Dogwood .. ah .. they do something to my soul .. (c) All Rights Reserved * 1 note *

09 Mar 2015

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236 visits

Daffs !

in an Orb - texture is mine - * 1 note * -- original photo (c) All Rights Reserved
47 items in total