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In the Monkey ..

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06 Jan 2013

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1 comment

244 visits

the painting . .

- next door - leaves of green - a hibiscus - brights spots of gold - against a cloudy sky framed/cropped/signed: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

01 Jan 2013

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225 visits


nestled on a branch .. gold and red ribbons around her .. baby's breath .. snowflakes .. Christmas 2012 .. [ Archives ] (c) All Rights Reserved

09 Dec 2012

231 visits

advantage . .

.. just go out the back door to pick a fresh orange or grapefruit .. buy at the grocer store or produce stand ? .. no ! .. but, it doesn't look as pretty an orange color .. this is the real way oranges look .. don't have to scrub pesticides off .. wash them; cut & enjoy ! .. nope .. don't miss the snow & cold .. can still go barefoot & wear short sleeves .. okay, I'll quit .. but is it alright to send some warm breezes your way ? edited in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

07 Dec 2012

285 visits

not exactly ....

- a partridge - nor a pear tree - but, using imagination for the weekly Assignment:"Holiday Songs" - Digital Photography School / dPS - 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' song - hmm... - a solo bird - some leaves with Spanish Moss - so, this will be my entry cropped/framed/signed in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

17 Nov 2012

178 visits

a blur ..

- on again ----- Archive Airings - AA - 33 - ICM - Intentional Camera Movement ----- - off again - internet okay - internet aaaagghhh - for now, it is in the Okay-Stage - who knows how long - so, if I I disappear - that is why - this is a framed 'camera toss' - seems appropriate for today ! framed in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

11 Nov 2012

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515 visits

eye level . .

.. portrait .. one of the twins in Florida .. black & white felines - spayed (left ear is clipped) .. living in the neighborhood .. not adoptable so my neighbors adopted them (c) All Rights Reserved

12 Oct 2012

152 visits

Two parts Bottlebrush . .

one part wild mushroom - shapes - colors - textures - just out the door - Life is beautiful .. Enjoy this weekend, my Friends ~ collage in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

02 Aug 2012

281 visits

All the colors in a Rainbow ..

- This little one is no longer .. - in an absurd predicament - but in loving arms - of this caring soul - this little dog was dumped in an empty lot - next door to this gentleman - the man knew the developers were coming - the following day to clear it all - so, he put a live trap out to catch the little one - the little guy came right into the trap - he had seen this man - and there was trust -SH 28 .. absurd predicament Scavenger Hunt 101 edited in: www.picmonkey.com © All Rights Reserved

29 Jul 2012

251 visits

fun ? ya think so ?

oh, yes .. a four hour workshop .. but, with Hossam Ramzy .. never a dull moment .. just ask the drummer about her cell phone going off ! we learned [at least I did] .. more than just rhythms .. we learned the 'why' of them .. can't wait to get my trees from Hossam .. the trees are rhythms .. then, cut the first rhythm in half .. you have another rhythm .. and keep on going .. you have a tree full of rhythms .. IF Hossam ever comes anywhere near you, go to the workshop .. you will thank yourself forever ~ - photo taken with my camera by Halimeda of Tallahassee, FL - cropped/framed in: www.picmonkey.com funny .. oh, is he ever ! this photo is Copyrighted , All Rights Reserved - BUT - if you were there and are in this photo, let me know .. will send the original ! Now, go practice!
445 items in total