Peggy C

Peggy C club

Posted: 22 Mar 2017

Taken: 22 Mar 2017

6 favorites     10 comments    481 visits

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Ipernity Members Association
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481 visits

2017-03-22 /11.05.59 AM EDT - Wednesday

2017-03-22 /11.05.59 AM EDT - Wednesday
IF my math is correct (am not known for being close friends with it)

We have reached the $25,000 goal ( this is without the dispute of * Soca money of $3,,862 *) ..

Thank you all so much ( many souls went back and donated more .. bless you! )

Think we can breathe a little now ...

^^^^ 1 note upper Left ^^^^

** Friday/ 24 March 2017 ..**

$30,387 USD
raised by 509 people in 11 days

Pam J, William Sutherland, , Gary Schotel and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

Latest comments - All (10)
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Great news indeed!

Admired in:
7 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
7 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Congrats to us all.

Just started my ‘own’ campaign to support the Ipernity crowdfunding.
Give IP crowdfunding a BOOST…..
7 years ago.
 L. L. Wall
L. L. Wall club
... and yet myself (and probably others) are in a limbo: as Panoramio closed and "we" found Ipernity, but before we could join/sign-up/pay/"Join-the-Ipernity-Club", Ipernity closed it's ability to add new paying members ... so I have been enjoying all these great photos "for free" (I chose to stop uploading my own, waiting to see IP's future) ... So, what now?
7 years ago. Edited 7 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Yes, there are many conundrums here, Wally. The next few days will be revealing, I suspect!
Best wishes, Andy
7 years ago.

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