Peggy C

Peggy C club

Posted: 04 Apr 2013

Taken: 08 Aug 2009

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Florida Florida


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flower closes the next day
a night of flower shooting
taken in 2009
10pm begins to open
A 630
Night Blooming Cereus
Canon PowerShot
All RIghts Reserved
For Andy

Authorizations, license

Visible by: Everyone
All rights reserved

340 visits

must have patience for -

must have patience for -
.. waiting
.. for this Night Blooming Cereus
.. to show her beauty
.. and fill the night air
.. with amazing fragrance
.. it has been four years recovering
.. from freezes - 2 yrs in a row
.. these just aren't designed to handle that cold
.. in Florida USA

.. the cactus is growing long
.. with many sharp barbs
.. which is the site that produces these flowers
.. looks quite healthy
.. so, July - August

.. will be looking to head outside
.. 10pm EDT for photo shoots

.. attached to a plain cactus that sends out 3-4 foot long pieces. A small green/red pinecone shape bud appears, changing into a green bullet shape before opening into these saucer size, fragrant, delicate flowers.
The flower starts opening at night and continues into the next day. If the weather is good, the flower will last 2-3 days.

- many shots taken in years past are in this set:

edited in:

© All rights reserved

- For Andy _ So many of these words describe our feelings for Our Dear Friend as we all send good wishes, positive energies and vibes to help him through the slow awakening. We will wait for you, Dear Friend .

micritter, Don Sutherland have particularly liked this photo

 Peggy C
Peggy C club
.. as of August 2013, there were a few buds, but nothing bloomed
11 years ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Great capture.
11 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
New comments added For Andy !
3 years ago. Edited 3 years ago.
Thank you, Peggy, for your picture, poetic blrub about the flower, and your wishes for Andy.
3 years ago.

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