PaulOfHorsham's photos

One of many

The prevailing wind

19 Sep 2011 146
So; it was a very windy day and the wind was blasting in from the South-West and I noticed that there seemed to be no branches on the SW-facing side. Cycling back to the car (in a south-westerly direction!) needed some effort.

Cooks Barge Yard

22 Sep 2011 140
What the sign says. A little more straightening probably required, though

Blue line


22 Sep 2011 122
A bit of work needed here

Rope goes in the 'ole

Wyvenhoe & London

St Martha's Church

26 Aug 2011 1 96
A bit red this one. Must spend a bit more time with Elements.

St Martha's Church

St Martha's Church

At the end of the day


20 Sep 2010 105
I'm going to struggle to place this one on the map!


02 Jul 2011 83
More London


02 Jul 2011 88
More London

Dead Leaf

02 Jul 2011 74
More London

Dirty Ground

02 Jul 2011 70
More London

Homeward Bound

26 Jun 2011 88
South Downs Way

1043 items in total