PaulOfHorsham's photos

An early harvest

Dorking from Box Hill

23 Jun 2018 1 103
One of the classic views of Southern England. I needed to get out for a walk, so decided on Box Hill and Ranmore Common on a hot Saturday morning (there's no end of these right now)

Broadwood's Tower

23 Jun 2018 1 1 152
Wandering the tracks north of Box Hill, I encountered this ruin. A folly built some time after 1814 by Thomas Broadwood, according to the National Trust's web page.

Number 20

Red Yellow Green

St Marys Church Battersea

25 May 2018 118
Opened in 1777 on the site of earlier places of worship. The church overlooks the Thames: J.M.W. Turner painted the view from here.

Albert Bridge Notice

25 May 2018 116
Albert Bridge is a combination of suspension and cable-stayed bridge opened in 1873. There were concerns that the bridge would be unstable when large crowds were on the bridge, hence the sign warning soldiers from Chelsea Barracks not to march in step.

Wildlife Only

The wildflowers

The wildflower meadow

19 May 2018 197
There is a small wildflower meadow in the centre of the reserve. This was clearly a good time to visit.

Reed Reflections

Large Red Damselfly

19 May 2018 1 232
Plenty of damselflies buzzing around the ponds. This is more likely to be a Large Red Damselfly than a Small Red Damselfly, if my reading of the British Dragonflies information is correct.

Broad-bodied Chaser

19 May 2018 197
British Dragonflies has helped me out with this one as well - it's a male Broad-bodied Chaser

Getting my ducklings in a row

1043 items in total