Central Oregon



11 Aug 2009

7 favorites


446 visits

Central Oregon

Central Oregon as seen from start of Tam McArthur Rim hike. Individual peaks are labeled with notes.

11 Aug 2009

11 favorites


433 visits

Tam McArthur rim

Mount Jefferson as seen from Tam McArthur rim.

22 Jul 2006

6 favorites

1 comment

445 visits

Mt Shuksan

Mount Shuksan in the North Cascades of Washington.

11 Aug 2009

3 favorites

409 visits

Broken Top

Hiking towards Broken Top volcano (background) on the Tam McArthur Rim trail.

27 Nov 2006

3 favorites

303 visits

Chief Joseph Mountain

Chief Joseph Mountain (left side) in the Wallowas of eastern Oregon.

11 Aug 2009

3 favorites

395 visits

Three Sisters

Two of the Three Sisters. Middle Sister and North Sister volcanoes. South Sister is out of frame to the left. Shot while standing on Tam McArthur Rim.

09 Aug 2009

7 favorites

341 visits

South Sister

South Sister volcano as seen from the Green Lakes trail in central Oregon.

19 Sep 2008

5 favorites


427 visits

Mount Timpanogos

Mount Timpanogos as seen from the Alpine Loop in Utah. With some bits of early autumn color in the aspen.

09 Aug 2009

4 favorites

290 visits

South Sister

South Sister (volcano) with one of the Green Lakes in foreground, in central Oregon.
20 items in total