20100923 8374Aw [D~NVP] Segelboot, Zingst, Bodden
20100923 8373Aw [D~NVP] Zeesboot, Zingst, Bodden
20100923 8372Aw [D~NVP] Zeesboot, Zingst, Bodden
20100923 8371Aw [D~NVP] Heidelibelle (Sympetrum vu…
20100923 8370Aw [D~NVP] Heidelibelle (Sympetrum vu…
20100923 8368Aw [D~NVP] Heidelibelle (Sympetrum vu…
20100923 8367Aw [D~NVP] Heidelibelle (Sympetrum vu…
20100923 8366Aw [D~NVP] Heidelibelle (Sympetrum vu…
20100923 8365Aw [D~NVP] Heidelibelle (Sympetrum vu…
20100923 8364Aw [D~NVP] Segler, Zingst, Ostsee
20100923 8363Aw [D~NVP] Lachmöwe, Zingst, Ostsee
20100923 8362Aw [D~NVP] Polarmöwe (Larus glaucoide…
20100923 8361Aw [D~NVP] Polarmöwe (Larus glaucoide…
20100923 8360Aw [D~NVP] Zingst, Ostsee
20100923 8359Aw [D~NVP] Gänsevögel, Zingst, Pramor…
20100923 8358Aw [D~NVP] Gänsevögel, Zingst, Pramor…
20100923 8357Aw [D~NVP] Zingst, Pramort
20100923 8356Aw [D~NVP] Segler, Höckerschwan (Cygn…
20100923 8355Aw [D~NVP] Zingst, Pramort
20100923 8353Aw [D~NVP] Roter Fliegenpilz (Amanita…
20100923 8352Aw [D~NVP] Brombeere, Zingst, Pramort
20100923 8351Aw [D~NVP] Herbstspinne (Metellina se…
20100923 8350Aw [D~NVP] Wiesen-Egerling (Agaricus…
20100923 8376Aw [D~NVP] Haussperling (Passer domes…
20100923 8377Aw [D~NVP] Haussperling (Passer domes…
20100923 8378Aw [D~NVP] Hafen, Zingst, Bodden
20100922 8297Ww [D~NVP] Gartenkreuzspinne, Zingst
20100922 8298Ww [D~NVP] Gartenkreuzspinne, Zingst
20100922 8299Ww [D~NVP] Gartenkreuzspinne, Zingst
20100921 8267Ww [D~NVP] Parasolpilz (Macrolepiota…
20100921 8268Ww [D~NVP] Parasolpilz (Macrolepiota…
20100921 8269Ww [D~NVP] Strand, Zingst, Ostsee
20100921 8271Ww [D~NVP] Strand, Seebrücke, Zingst,…
20100921 8273Aw [D~NVP] Strand, Seebrücke, Zingst,…
20100921 8275Aw [D~NVP] Lachmöwe, Zingst, Ostsee
20100921 8276Aw [D~NVP] Lachmöwe, Zingst, Ostsee
20100921 8277Aw [D~NVP] Strand, Seebrücke, Zingst,…
20100921 8279Tw [D~NVP] Star (Sturnus vulgaris), E…
20100921 8281Tw [D~NVP] Star (Sturnus vulgaris), E…
20100921 8282Tw [D~NVP] Star (Sturnus vulgaris), E…
20100921 8283Tw [D~NVP] Star (Sturnus vulgaris), E…
20100921 8284Tw [D~NVP] Star (Sturnus vulgaris), E…
20100921 8285Tw [D~NVP] Star (Sturnus vulgaris), E…
20100921 8287Tw [D~NVP] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
20100921 8288Tw [D~NVP] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
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