20090611 3150DSCw [D~H] Paradieskranich (Anthropoi…
20090611 3151DSCw [D~H] Paradieskranich (Anthropoi…
20090611 3152DSCw [D~H] Paradieskranich (Anthropoi…
20090611 3153DSCw [D~H] Kapgans (Tadorna cana) [Gr…
20090611 3154DSCw [D~H] Kapgans (Tadorna cana) [Gr…
20090611 3155DSCw [D~H] Steppenzebra (Equus quagga…
20090611 3156DSCw [D~H] Thomsongazelle (Gazella th…
20090611 3157DSCw [D~H] Thomsongazelle (Gazella th…
20090611 3158DSCw [D~H] Elenantilope (Taurotragus…
20090611 3160DSCw [D~H] Kuhantilope (Alcephalus bu…
20090611 3161DSCw [D~H] Kuhantilope (Alcephalus bu…
20090611 3162DSCw [D~H] Steppenzebra (Equus quagga…
20090611 3163DSCw [D~H] Kuhreiher (Bubulcus ibis),…
20090611 3164DSCw [D~H] Graugans (Anser cygnoides…
20090611 3165DSCw [D~H] Rosaflamingo (Phoenicopter…
20090611 03197DSCw [D~H] <Rostgans (Tadorna ferrug…
20090611 3166DSCw [D~H] Strauß (Struthio camelus),…
20090611 3167DSCw [D~H] Strauß (Struthio camelus),…
20090611 3168DSCw [D~H] Kropfgazelle (Gazella subg…
20090611 3169DSCw [D~H] Rosa-Pelikan (Pelecanus on…
20090611 3170DSCw [D~H] Rosa-Pelikan (Pelecanus on…
20090611 3171DSCw [D~H] Rosa-Pelikan (Pelecanus on…
20090611 3172DSCw [D~H] Rosa-Pelikan (Pelecanus on…
20090611 3149DSCw [D~H] Paradieskranich (Anthropoi…
20090611 3145DSCw [D~H] Paradieskranich (Anthropoi…
20090813 0202Aw [D~MI] Hummel-Keilfleckschwebflieg…
20090813 0201Aw [D~MI] Hummel-Keilfleckschwebflieg…
20090813 0197Aw [D~MI] Blutweiderich (Lythrum sali…
20090813 0186Aw [D~MI] Zitronenfalter (Gonepteryx…
20090813 0180Aw [D~MI] Zitronenfalter (Gonepteryx…
20090813 0162Aw [D~MI] Blutweiderich (Lythrum sali…
20090813 0153Aw [D~MI,] Blutweiderich (Lythrum sal…
20090813 0148Aw [D~MI] Blutweiderich (Lythrum sali…
20090813 0147Aw [D~MI] Blutweiderich (Lythrum sali…
20090813 0146Aw [D~MI] Stiel-Eiche (Quercus robur)…
20090813 0145Aw [D~MI] Stiel-Eiche (Quercus robur)…
20090813 0144Aw [D~MI] Stiel-Eiche (Quercus robur)…
20090813 0143Aw [D~MI] Wespenspinne (Argiope bruen…
20090813 0142Aw [D~MI] Wespenspinne (Argiope bruen…
20090813 0141Aw [D~MI] Schilf (Phragmites australi…
20090813 0140Aw [D~MI] Bruchwasserläufer (Tringa g…
20090813 0139Aw [D~MI] Bruchwasserläufer (Tringa g…
20090813 0126Aw [D~MI] Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus)…
20090813 0125Aw [D~MI] Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus)…
20090813 0124Aw² [D~MI] Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus…
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