20190901 5521CPw [D~VR] Weißstorch, Vogelpark Marl…
20190901 5522CPw [D~VR] Weißstorch, Vogelpark Marl…
20190901 5523CP~V [D~VR] Weißstorch, Vogelpark Mar…
20190901 5524CPw [D~VR] Zebrafink (Taeniopygia gut…
20190901 5525CPw [D~VR] Zebrafink (Taeniopygia gut…
20190901 5526CPw [D~VR] Zebrafink (Taeniopygia gut…
20190901 5527CPw [D~VR] Zebrafink (Taeniopygia gut…
20190901 5528CPw [D~VR] Zebrafink (Taeniopygia gut…
20190901 5531CPw [D~VR] Maskenkiebitz (Vanellus mi…
20190901 5532CPw [D~VR] Maskenkiebitz (Vanellus mi…
20190901 5533CPw [D~VR] Maskenkiebitz (Vanellus mi…
20190901 5534CPw [D~VR] Nymphensittich (Nymphicus…
20190901 5535CPw [D~VR] Maskenkiebitz, Vogelpark M…
20190901 5536CPw [D~VR] Bennett-Känguru, Haussperl…
20190901 5537CPw [D~VR] Bennett-Känguru, Vogelpark…
20190901 5538CPw [D~VR] Bennett-Känguru, Vogelpark…
20190901 5539CPw [D~VR] Bennett-Känguru, Vogelpark…
20190901 5540CPw [D~VR] Kea, Vogelpark Marlow
20190901 5541CPw [D~VR] Kea, Vogelpark Marlow
20190901 5542CPw [D~VR] Kea, Vogelpark Marlow
20190901 5544CPw [D~VR] Kolbenente (Netta rufina),…
20190901 5546CPw [D~VR] Kolbenente (Netta rufina),…
20190901 5547CPw [D~VR] Graugans (Anser anser var.…
20190901 5519CPw [D~VR] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
20190901 5518CPw [D~VR] Strauß, Vogelpark Marlow
20190901 5517CPw [D~VR] Weißstorch, Krauskopfpelik…
20190901 5516CPw [D~VR] Falsche Landkarten-Höckers…
20190901 5515CPw [D~VR] Trampeltier (Camelus ferus…
20190901 5514CPw [D~VR] Weißstorch, Graureiher (Ar…
20190901 5513CPw [D~VR] Mendesantilope, Weißstorch…
20190901 5512CPw [D~VR] Rosapelikan, Vogelpark Mar…
20190901 5598CPw [D~VR] Weißrückengeier, Vogelpark…
20190901 5597CPw [D~VR] Weißrückengeier, Vogelpark…
20190901 5596CPw [D~VR] Weißrückengeier, Vogelpark…
20190901 5593CPw [D~VR] Alpaka (Lama pacos oder Vi…
20190901 5592CPw [D~VR] Schwarzschwanz-Präriehund,…
20190901 5591CPw [D~VR] Schwarzschwanz-Präriehund,…
20190901 5590CPw [D~VR] Chile-Flamingo (Phoenicopt…
20190901 5589CPw [D~VR] Chile-Flamingo (Phoenicopt…
20190901 5588CPw [D~VR] Chile-Flamingo (Phoenicopt…
20190901 5587CPw [D~VR] Stelzenläufer, Vogelpark M…
20190901 5585CPw [D~VR] Weißkopfsaki (Pithecia pit…
20190901 5584CPw [D~VR] Helmhokko, Vogelpark Marlo…
20190901 5583CPw [D~VR] Helmhokko, Vogelpark Marlo…
20190901 5582CPw [D~VR] Helmhokko, Vogelpark Marlo…
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