20170928 3146CPw [D~OS] Asiatischer Elefant (Eleph…
20170928 3147CPw [D~OS] Asiatischer Elefant (Eleph…
20170928 3151CPw [D~OS] Masken-Nasendoktorfisch (N…
20170928 3153CPw [D~OS] Skulptur, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3154CPw [D~OS] Skulptur: Tierpfleger, Zoo…
20170928 3155CPw [D~OS] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
20170928 3156CPw [D~OS] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
20170928 3157CPw [D~OS] Rosapelikan, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3158CPw [D~OS] Humboldtpinguin, Zoo Osnab…
20170928 3160CPw [D~OS] Skultur- Qualle, Zoo Osnab…
20170928 3161CPw [D~OS] Chapman-Zebra, Breitmaulna…
20170928 3162CPw [D~OS] Breitmaulnashorn (Ceratoth…
20170928 3163CPw [D~OS] Breitmaulnashorn (Ceratoth…
20170928 3164CPw [D~OS] Breitmaulnashorn (Ceratoth…
20170928 3165CPw [D~OS] Silberfuchs (Vulpus vulpus…
20170928 3166CPw [D~OS] Mischlingsbär [Vater: Eisb…
20170928 3168CP-V [D~OS] 'Rauchender Baumstumpf',…
20150923 8881VRTw [D~LIP] Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhul…
20150923 8882VRTw [D~LIP] Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhul…
20150923 8883VRTw [D~LIP] Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhul…
20150923 8898VRTw [D~LIP] Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhul…
20150923 8902VRMw [D~LIP] Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhul…
20150923 8903VRMw [D~LIP] Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhul…
20170928 3144CP-V [D~OS] Asiatischer Elefant (Elep…
20170928 3143CPw [D~OS] Asiatischer Elefant (Eleph…
20170928 3138CPw [D~OS] Tigerfink, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3136CPw [D~OS] Dreifarbige Papageiadanine…
20170928 3135CPw [D~OS] Dreifarbige Papageiadanine…
20170928 3133CPw [D~OS] Tigerfink, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3129CPw [D~OS] Sumatra-Tiger, Zoo Osnabrü…
20170928 3127CPw [D~OS] Siamang, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3125CPw [D~OS] Südliche Schweinsaffe (Ma…
20170928 3124CPw [D~OS] Vikunja (Vicugna vicugna),…
20170928 3121CPw [D~OS] Flachlandtapir (Tapirus te…
20170928 3119CPw [D~OS] Flachlandtapir (Tapirus te…
20170928 3117CPw [D~OS] Flachlandtapir (Tapirus te…
20170928 3116CPw [D~OS] Flachlandtapir (Tapirus te…
20170928 3115CPw [D~OS] Flachlandtapir (Tapirus te…
20170928 3114CPw [D~OS] Flachlandtapir (Tapirus te…
20170928 3112CPw [D~OS] Pilz, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3111CPw [D~OS] >Vogelfutter<, Zoo Osnabrü…
20170928 3110CPw [D~OS] >Vogelfutter<, Zoo Osnabrü…
20170928 3109CPw [D~OS] Pilz, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3108CPw [D~OS] Skulpzur, Zoo Osnabrück
20170928 3105CPq [D~OS] Waldbison (Bison bison at…
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85 visits
20170928 3145SP-V [D~OS] Asiatischer Elefant (Elephas maximus), Zoo, Osnabrück
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