20130616 1950RFAw Kornblume
20130616 1951RAw Kornblume
20130616 1952RAw Blutströpfchen
20130616 1953RAw Blutstropfchen
20130616 1954RAw [D~MI] Blutströpfchen (Zygaena fi…
20140419 1341VRAw [D-MI] Kuh, Großes Torfmoor, Hil…
20140419 1340VRAw [D-MI] Farn, Großes Torfmoor, Hi…
20140419 1339VRAw [D-MI] Libelle, Großes Torfmoor,…
20140419 1338VRAw [D-MI] Libelle, Großes Torfmoor,…
20140419 1337VRAw [D-MI] Birken, Großes Torfmoor,…
20140419 1336VRAw [D-MI] Großes Torfmoor, Hille
20140419 1330VRAw [D-MI] Weide, Mistbiene, Großes…
20140419 1329VRAw [D-MI] Weide, Mistbiene, Großes…
20140419 1328VRAw [D-MI] Weide, Mistbiene, Großes…
20140419 1327VRAw [D-MI] Weide, Großes Torfmoor, H…
20140419 1326VRAw [D-MI] Weide, Großes Torfmoor, H…
20140419 1325VRAw [D-MI] Weide, Großes Torfmoor, H…
20140419 1324VRAw [D-MI] Binse, Großes Torfmoor-
20140419 1323VRAw [D-MI] Scheidiges Wollgras (Erio…
20140419 1322VRAw [D~MI] Scheidiges Wollgras (Erio…
20140419 1321VRAw [D-MI] Scheidiges Wollgras (Erio…
20140716 4034VRAw [D~MI] Hauskatze Molly
20140716 4033VRAw [D~MI] Hauskatze Molly
20140716 4032VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4031VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4030VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4029VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4028VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4027VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4026VRAw [D~MI] Wasserfrosch, Hille
20140716 4025VRAw [D~MI] Seerose, Hille
20140716 4024VRAw [D~MI] Gartenteich, Wasserfrosch…
20140716 4023VRAw [D~MI] Gartenteich, Wasserfrosch…
20140716 4022VRAw [D~MI] Gartenteich, Libelle, Hil…
20140716 4021VRAw [D~MI] Hechtkraut, Seerose, Hill…
20140716 4020VRAw [D~MI] Seerose, Hille
20140716 4019VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4018VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4017VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4016VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4015VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4014VRAw [D~MI] Ochsenauge (Lasiommata me…
20140716 4013VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hummel, Hille
20140716 4012VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hummel, Hille
20140716 4011VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hille
20140716 4010VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hille
20140716 4009VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hille
20140716 4008VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hille
20140716 4007VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hille
20140716 4006VRAw [D~MI] Stockrosen, Hille
20140716 4003VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteich, Hille
20140716 4002VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteich, Mistbiene,…
20140716 4001VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteich, Hille
20140716 3999VRFw [D~MI] Grillzeit, Hille
20140716 3998VRFw [D~MI] Sam
20140716 3997VRFw [D~MI] Sam
20140716 3996VRFw [D~MI] Sam
20140716 3995VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteiche, Hille Kopie
20140716 3994VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteiche, Hille
20140716 3993VRFw [D~MI] Mohn, Hille
20140716 3991VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteiche, Hille
20140716 3989VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteiche, Hille
20140716 3988VRFw [D~MI] Gartenteiche, Hille
20130616 1948RAw Libellenlarve
20130616 1947RAw [D~MI] Spitzschlammschnecke, Hill…
20130616 1946RAw [D~MI] Spitzschlammschnecke, Hill…
20130616 1945RAw [D~MI] Rückenschwimmer (Notonecta…
20130616 1944RAw [D~MI] Rückenschwimmer (Notonecta…
20130616 1943RAw [D~MI] Kaulquappe, Hille
20130616 1942RAw Plattbauchlibelle m
20130616 1941RAw Plattbauchlibelle m
20130616 1940RAw Plattbauchlibelle m
20130616 1939RAw Plattbauchlibelle m
20130616 1938RAw Plattbauchlibelle m
20130616 1937RAw Plattbauchlibelle m
20130616 1936RAw Plattbauchlibelle m
20120916 1417RAw [D-MI] Sam
20120916 1418RAw [D-MI] Sam + Ronde
20120916 1419RAw [D-MI] Sam
20120916 1420RAw [D-MI] Sam
20120916 1422RAw [D-MI] Seerose
20120916 1376RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz, Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1377RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz, Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1378RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1379RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1380RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz, Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1381RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz, Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1382RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz, Großes, Torfmoor
20120916 1383RD8w [D-MI] Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1384RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz, Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1385RD8w [D-MI] Kiebitz, Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1387RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1388RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1389RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1390RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1391RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1392RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1393RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1394RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1395RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1396RAw [D-LIP] Libelle
20120916 1395RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1397RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1398RAw [DLIP] Libelle
20120916 1399RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1400RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1401RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1402RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1403RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1404RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1404RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1405RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1406RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1407RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1408RAw [D-MI] Beere
20120916 1409RAw [D-MI] Großes Torfmoor
20120916 1410RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1411RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1412RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1413RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1415RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120916 1416RAw [D-MI] Libelle
20120612 0593RAw [D] Seerose, Leifkenstadt
20120612 0590RAw [D] Libellenlarve, Leifkenstadt
20120612 0588RAw [D~MI] Bachstelze (Motacilla alba…
See also...
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