20110116 9324Aw [D-GE] Prevost-Schönhörnchen (Call…
20110116 9323Aw [D-GE] Prevost-Schönhörnchen (Call…
20110116 9322Aaw [D-GE] Prevost-Schönhörnchen (Cal…
20110116 9321Aw [D-GE] Reisfink (Padda oryzivora,…
20110116 9320Aw [D-GE] Wetterdach, Zoom Gelsenkirc…
20110116 9319Aw [D-GE] Echse, Zoom Gelsenkirchen
20110116 9318Aw [D-GE] Himmelsspiegelung, Zoom Gel…
20110116 9316Aw [D-GE] Schwamm-Pilz, Zoom, Gelsenk…
20110116 9315Aw [D-GE] Trampeltier (Camelus ferus…
20110116 9314Aw [D-GE] Trampeltier (Camelus ferus…
20110116 9313Aw [D-GE] Trampeltier (Camelus ferus…
20110116 9312Aw [D-GE] Trampeltier (Camelus ferus…
20110116 9311Aw [D-GE] Rabenkrähe, Zoom Gelsenkirc…
20110116 9310Aw [D-GE] Rabenkrähe, Zoom Gelsenkirc…
20110116 9309Aw [D-GE] Affenkind, Zoom Gelsenkirch…
20110116 9308Aw [D-GE] Transportmittel, Zoom Gelse…
20110116 9307Aw [D-GE] Jungfernkranich, Zoom Gels…
20110116 9306Aw [D-GE] Transportmittel, Zoom Gelse…
20110116 9305Aaw [D-GE] Spiegelung, Zoom Gelsenkir…
20110116 9304Aw [D-GE] Spiegelung, Zoom Gelsenkirc…
20110116 9303Tw [D-GE] Spiegelung, Zoom Gelsenkirc…
20110116 9302Tw [D-GE] Spiegelung, Zoom Gelsenkirc…
20120413 8559RAw [D~LIP] Japanische Blütenkirsche…
20110116 9326Aw [D-GE] Prevost-Schönhörnchen (Call…
20110116 9327Aw [D-GE] Prevost-Schönhörnchen (Call…
20110116 9328Aw [D-GE] Prevost-Schönhörnchen (Call…
20110116 9329Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9330Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9331Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9332Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9333Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9334Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9335Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9336Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9337Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9338Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9339Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9340Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9341Aw [D-GE] Malaiischer Flughund (Ptero…
20110116 9345Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9346Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9347Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9348Aw [D-GE] Rotohrbülbül (Pycnonotus jo…
20110116 9357Aw [D-GE] Schneeeule (Nyctea scandiac…
20110116 9358Aw [D-GE] Waschbär (Procyon lotor), Z…
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20110116 9325Aw [D-GE] Prevost-Schönhörnchen (Callosciurus prevosti), Zoom Gelsenkirchen
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