20111015 6649RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6648RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6647RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6646RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6645RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6644RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6643RAw [D-PB] Feldarbeit
20111015 6642RAw [D-PB] Blüte, Delbrück
20111015 6641RAw [D-PB] Baum
20111015 6639RAw [D-PB] Wespe
20111015 6638RA [D-PB] Wespe
20111015 6637RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6634RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6633RAw [D-PB] Silberreiher (Ardea alba,…
20111015 6632RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6629RAw [D-PB] Silberreiher (Ardea alba,…
20111015 6630RAw [D-PB] Silberreiher (Ardea alba,…
20111015 6628RAw [D-PB] Raps, Delbrück
20111015 6627RAw [D-PB] Raps, Delbrück
20111015 6626RAw [D-PB] Höckerschwan (Cygnus olar)…
20111015 6624RAw [D-PB] Silberreiher
20111015 6625RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6623RAw [D-PB] Blässhuhn, Silberreiher (A…
20111015 6651RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6652RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6653RAw [D-PB] Stockente
20111015 6654RAw Stockente, Vogelbeobachtungsturm
20111015 6655RAw [D-PB] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
20111015 6657RAw [D-PB] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
20111015 6656RAw [D-PB] Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)…
20111015 6658RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6659RAw [D-PB] Kamille, Delbrück
20111015 6660RAw [D-PB] Stockente, Delbrück
20111015 6661RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6662RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6663RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6665RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6666RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6667RWw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
20111015 6669RAw [D-PB] Graugans, Kormoran
20111015 6668RAw [D-PB] Graugans, Kormoran
20111015 6670RAw [D-PB] Graugans
20111015 6671RAw [D-PB] Graugans
20111015 6672RAw [D-PB] Graugans, Reiher
20111015 6673RAw [D-PB] Graugans, Graureiher
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20111015 6650RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken
![20111015 6650RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken 20111015 6650RAw [D-PB] Steinhorster Becken](https://cdn.ipernity.com/120/67/94/11626794.da5264cd.640.jpg?r2)
Kreis Paderborn
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