20110506 1916RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1914RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1913RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1912RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1911RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1909RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1908RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1907RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1905RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1904RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1903RTw 8D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1902RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1901RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1900RTw [D-PB] Graugans, Delbrück
20110506 1899RTw [D-PB] Graugans, Delbrück
20110506 1898RTw [D-PB] Reiherente, Graugans, Delb…
20110506 1897RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1895RWw [D-PB] Vogelnest
20110506 1894RWw [D-PB] Baum
20110506 1893RTw [D-PB] Nilgans, Höckerschwan (Cyg…
20110506 1889RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1887RTw [D~PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1885RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1920RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1926RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cr…
20110506 1928RTw [D-PB] Graugans, Delbrück
20110506 1927RTw [D-PB] Graugans, Delbrück
20110506 1931RTw [D-PB] Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus…
20110506 1932RTw [D-PB] Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus…
20110506 1934RTw [D-PB] Graugans, Delbrück
20110506 1935RTw [D-PB] Graugans, Delbrück
20110506 1936RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podice…
20110506 1938RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1939RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1940RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1941RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1949RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1952RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1957RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podice…
20110506 1960RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1961RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1963RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1962RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1964RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher-Paar (Podic…
20110506 1965RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher
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112 visits
20110506 1917RTw [D-PB] Haubentaucher (Podiceps cristatus), Delbrück
Steinhorster Becken,
Kreis Paderborn
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Kreis Paderborn
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