

Posted: 01 Feb 2025

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in Schnäuzenreuth...
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Edna Edenkoben, Keith Burton, aNNa schramm, * ઇઉ * and 8 other people have particularly liked this photo

18 comments - The latest ones
 Guido Werner
Guido Werner club
Großes Sammelsurium. Aber wer kauft das denn alles?
3 days ago.
oHo has replied to Guido Werner club
der Wanderer mit großem Rucksack !? Ich hab' nichts mitgenommen...
3 days ago. Edited 3 days ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
You definitely have the 'eye' my friend. Not only well seen but well produced for us here too. ⭐

Best Wishes. Herb
3 days ago.
oHo has replied to Herb Riddle club
sometimes something catches my eye ...
Much obliged, Herb!
3 days ago.
 Boarischa Krautmo
Boarischa Krautmo club
bestimmt eine Zeitungsallergie ;-)
3 days ago.
oHo has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club
Druckschwärze und Schnupftabak sind eine toxische Kombination.
3 days ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Awesome shot!
3 days ago.
oHo has replied to William Sutherland club
Thank you!
12 hours ago.
Annemarie club
B e a u t i f u l.
2 days ago.
oHo has replied to Annemarie club
12 hours ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
What an amazing display of goods...........and there's so much to look at and enjoy in this beautifully sharp and detailed image oHo. Very nicely captured.

I like the look of the walking sticks!
41 hours ago.
oHo has replied to Keith Burton club
Thanks Keith - the black stick is a nice coincidence (only seen at home) as it is in line with the sellers' arm. During the capture I looked only for framing.
40 hours ago.
 Edna Edenkoben
Edna Edenkoben club
Hat der keine Taschentücher in diesem Sammelsurium? Das halte ich für einen grossen Fehler ;-))
39 hours ago.
oHo has replied to Edna Edenkoben club
einer der Gründe warum ich da nichts einkaufen würde.. er war auch recht laut in seinem tun.
39 hours ago.
 * ઇઉ *
* ઇઉ * club
The title and description fitting to the gentleman makes me :)).
Gorgeous photo, Otto!
23 hours ago.
oHo has replied to * ઇઉ * club
Well - that he started to sneeze - was the topping on the cake (NOT literally, of course)
Thank you;-)).
12 hours ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
Krims-Krams :-))
20 hours ago.
oHo has replied to aNNa schramm club
aus Schnäuzenreuth... ;-)
12 hours ago.

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