2023-04-04 00002

Flowers.Plants and Trees

17 May 2023

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63 visits

2023-05-17 00013

A couple of Black and White flowers, Hawthorn blossom this time

17 May 2023

4 favorites


63 visits

2023-05-17 00011

A couple of Black and White flowers, flag iris here

03 Jun 2023

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50 visits

2023-06-03 00008

The flowers of Comfrey, also known as Knit -Bone. A medicinal plant used in the past to make plaster casts-hence the name. It's also antiseptic so good for treating wounds as well as making casts. Apparently it was known and used by the Roman army.Often its grown in allotments as it makes a good fertiliser too. Also it has nice flowers!

03 Jun 2023

65 visits

2023-06-03 00010

A tangle of web and seeds, converted in SilverEfex

10 Jun 2023

8 favorites


86 visits

2023-06-10 00022

Not sure what this plant is its much bigger than a dandelion but it looked nice in B+W, conversion in SilverEfex as ever. Taken with the usual Leica 100-400 and the new to me Olympus E-M10mark iii, a recent upgrade from the mark ii
14 items in total