Give Peace a Chance

Give Peace a Chance

Give Peace a Chance

30 Jul 2005 44 110 1389
Sad Monday Benches Sad Wednesday Wall Sad Friday Fences with colors of Ukraine - - - - - Olympus C-8080WZ I think that I am gonna repost this one every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until this madness ends.

Give Peace a Chance

02 Jun 2022 11 4 222
Sad Friday Fence with colors of Ukraine ----- Yashica T3 Super + Kentmere Pan 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. H)

Give Peace a Chance

26 Oct 2008 28 13 257
Sad Wednesday Wall in colors of Ukraine ----- Samsung Digimax Pro 815

Give Peace a Chance

12 Sep 2008 20 11 208
Sad Monday Benches in colors of Ukraine ----- Samsung Digimax Pro 815

Give Peace a Chance

02 Jun 2022 15 6 232
Sad Friday Balustrade (footbridge over a swamp seen from above) with colors of Ukraine ----- Yashica T3 Super + Kentmere Pan 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.H)

Give Peace a Chance

27 Apr 2013 15 5 237
Sad Wednesday Wall with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus XA + Ilford XP2

Give Peace a Chance

19 Aug 2016 16 7 269
Sad Monday Benches with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus XA + Ilford XP2 + Tetenal Colortec

Give Peace a Chance

24 Apr 2022 10 4 353
Sad Friday Fence with colors of Ukraine ----- Pinhole 0.2 mm + Kodak T-Max 100 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B)

Give Peace a Chance

14 May 2004 17 6 231
Sad Wednesday Wall with colors of Ukraine - - - - - Olympus C-220Z

Give Peace a Chance

19 Aug 2016 14 5 344
Sad Monday Bench in colors of Ukraine ----- Pinhole 0.2 mm + Fujicolor Pro 160NS + Tetenal Colortec

Give Peace a Chance

13 Sep 2008 23 14 215
Sad Friday Balustrade with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus C-8080WZ

Give Peace a Chance

01 Jul 2005 13 8 222
Sad Wednesday Wall with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus C-8080WZ (true colors that just happened)

Give Peace a Chance

25 Jun 2005 14 5 175
Sad Monday Bench with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus C-8080WZ

Give Peace a Chance

13 Apr 2008 12 6 234
Sad Friday Fence with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus C-8080WZ

Give Peace a Chance

17 Jul 2007 11 4 209
Sad Wednesday Wall with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus C-8080WZ

Give Peace a Chance

11 May 2022 14 4 240
Sad Monday Bench with colors of Ukraine ----- Yashica T3 Super + Kentmere Pan 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

Give Peace a Chance

10 Sep 2018 11 2 267
Sad Friday Fence with colors of Ukraine ----- Olympus XA + Kodak T-Max 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

Give Peace a Chance

16 Apr 2010 22 6 322
Sad Wednesday Wall with colors of Ukraine ----- Mamiya 645AF + Neopan 400

53 items in total