Marta Wojtkowska

Marta Wojtkowska deceased

Posted: 10 Sep 2018

Taken: 09 Sep 2018

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Samsung NX10
mirror lens
prime lens
black and white
MTO 500/8

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I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend).
Yesterday I tried to use it with my digital Samsung NX10 body again, using a tripod this time.
To keep the gear steady I had to tighten mounting screws so much, that I could not lower the lens in time to get the full reflection of the duck in the frame. The duck appeared so suddenly...

Samsung NX10 + MTO 500mm f/8 + SilverEfex

Kawasirius, Sami Serola (inactive), Hubs 56, and 12 other people have particularly liked this photo

11 comments - The latest ones
Frode club
Nice shot!
5 years ago.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to Frode club
Far from perfect ;/
but thank you!

I am trying to select something becoming from the session with water lilies (by your inspiration), but I am not happy with what I got. The lens is too soft, DOF very shallow, focusing a nightmare...
5 years ago.
 Richard Nuttall
Richard Nuttall
I like it -but I agree that Soviet mirror lenses are not the easiest to get great results from. To be fair I think you have here, the focus goes smoothly from front to back and the duck is perfect. I like your processing too the darker cntrasty look works very well with the lillies and the duck. If you are trying longer range stuff can you get hold of a Tair 3A? Russian 300mm f4.5. Its a lot more forgiving and very sharp-at least mine is, but it is very long, very heavy and not exactly subtle, you do look like you are carrying a rpg about with you, but it can get veery good results
5 years ago.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to Richard Nuttall
Well, I borrowed the MTO lens solely for its (in)famous donut-shaped bokeh :)
I do not have much use for tele-lenses. Not with what I like to shoot.
But it may eventually change ;) Who knows ;)
Thanks for the tip!
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
 Scott Holcomb
Scott Holcomb club
Like a sniper you have to lead the 'victim' before firing!! And, then you have to have some luck to get a 'hit'.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to Scott Holcomb club
That's theory, Scott.
But how to do it with my two left hands and slowing reflexes? ;)
5 years ago.
tiabunna club
Playing around with old lenses is addictive. :-) I have no experience of this lens, but I guess on the NX10 the APSC crop factor means it's effectively 750mm. That takes a lot of stabilising, as you found. In the circumstances, I think you have done well here.
5 years ago.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to tiabunna club
Thank you very much, George!
My biggest problem with this lens is that its M39/M42 reduction is askew, so cannot use the lens tripod mount properly for better balance - it comes at an angle very difficult to compensate.
5 years ago.
 Hubs 56
Hubs 56 club
Good b/w capture, Hubs
5 years ago.
Marta Wojtkowska club has replied to Hubs 56 club
Thanks a lot!
5 years ago.
 Jeff Farley
Jeff Farley
A superb capture Marta and thank you for posting to FFF.
5 years ago.

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