One of my toys


03 Mar 2009

156 visits

One of my toys

Now that's a good reason to justify having bought this little mini mill. I need if for my electronics hobby :-)

03 Mar 2009

136 visits

Milling off a few 1/10 mm

The PCB is FR4 material, so I use carbide bits.

03 Mar 2009

123 visits

Milling off a few 1/10 mm

03 Mar 2009

106 visits

Milling off a few 1/10 mm

03 Mar 2009

122 visits

Milling off a few 1/10 mm

10 Jul 2009

139 visits

jyetech scope - front panel too small

Milling off 0.3mm and getting it all wrong... I misaligned the PCB and I didn't mill at 0°. The 2nd attempt was successful using brackets and a different setup. Please note that a new hardware version of this device has been released, therefore these images will most likely not apply to it.

12 Jul 2009

205 visits

Jyetech scope - improving the back plate

For easy access to serial / programming headers. Please note that a new hardware version of this device has been released, therefore these images will most likely not apply to it.

03 Mar 2009

126 visits

Milling off a few 1/10 mm

01 Mar 2012

120 visits

Buy the right length bolts next time!

Not the most efficient way to get the length right. And apparently the end-mill will remember this job. Time to get new ones. I'm down to my last 3mm one. All others (the smaller ones) are already dead.
38 items in total