It's an old radio

E - Teardown

Folder: Electronics
Looking at the innards of electronic devices.

It's an old radio

It's an old radio

23 Jan 2012 176
They don't make chips anymore. And Austria... I'm shocked.

My old stereo speakers

21 May 2011 130
No dolby whatever for me.

My old stereo speakers

21 May 2011 125
No dolby whatever for me.

In memory of a pet animal

21 May 2011 126
One of the budgies we had when I was a boy chose to drop its load onto the fabric.

Removed the top

21 May 2011 123
That wasn't necessary at all.

Getting access

Unfolding the box

Nice attention to detail

The woofer

21 May 2011 161
Quite small. At least the magnet looks like it could do some serious damage.


Main amp

Why did they do that?

21 May 2011 145
Why did they glue down just one of them?

Input board

Input board

322 items in total