Stadt am Fluss, Heidelberg vom nördlichen Neckarufer - Heidelberg Panorama with Old Bridge and Castle (180°)


1.000 Gipfel - 1.000 Peaks

03 Jul 2011 16 22 781
Aussicht vom Säntisgipfel - Saentis Peak Vista July, 3rd, 2011 - 5.49 am 10 Week Picture Projects: Opposites - Week 5 - Over - Best on black and full screen

Mosbach, Markt und Stadtkirche (030°)

Hamburg, Zollkanal, St. Katharinen und Speichersta…

Hamburg Landungsbrücken (255°)

Hamburg Now and Then - View from the Belltower of…

05 May 2014 6 14 707
Enlarge for plenty of details and compare! The panorama of 1950 has been stitched from 6 old prints, taken by my dad mid April 1950, shortly after the tower had been opended to the public again. The rubble from the allied bombing raids of 1943 to 1945 has been cleared already but 70% of the buildings of the city are still in ruins. The panorama of 2014 has been taken on April 11th, it shows a booming city with all scars from the war removed and all the gaps finally closed. However, one of the two big Bunkers still stands unimpressed ... See the full 360° panorama here: Hamburg 360°

Hamburg Now and Then - View from the Belltower of…

05 May 2014 12 10 783
Enlarge for plenty of details and compare! The panorama of 1950 has been stitched from 6 old prints, taken by my dad mid April 1950, shortly after the tower had been opened to the public again. The rubble from the allied bombing raids of 1943 to 1945 has been cleared already but 70% of the buildings of the city are still in ruins. The panorama of 2014 has been taken on April 11th, 2014. It shows a booming city with all scars from the war removed and all the gaps finally closed. See the full 360° panorama here: Hamburg 360°

Stadt am Fluss - Heidelberg Panorama

Hamburg 360°

21 Sep 2014 6 8 597
360° Panorama vom Turm der Michaeliskirche (Michel) aus insgesamt 16 Hochformataufnahmen. Bitte in voller Auflösung ansehen. 360° Panorama taken from the belltower of the Michaeliskirche (St. Michael), compiled from 16 portrait shots. Please enlarge for stunning details. Sharpened with NIK Output Sharpener

Sommer im Kraichgau

Gewitterwolken über dem Kraichgau

Der Neckar bei Bad Wimpfen

Das Neckartal bei Gundelsheim ... (045°)

01 Dec 2014 3 2 445
... mit den Burgen Hornberg bei Neckarzimmern und Horneck bei Gundelsheim (mouse over)

Heidelberg im Regen / on a raiy day (090°)

05 May 2012 5 4 589
Ungewöhnliche Perspektive des Schlosses vom Turm der Heiliggeistkirche. Das Foto entstand während eines Panormio-Treffens in Heidelberg. Der Weg auf der Turm über die sehr enge Wendeltreppe mit Gegenverkehr und mit Fotorucksack und Stativ ist eine echte Herausforderung. Dafür wird man dann mit schönen Ein- und Ausblicken entschädigt, sogar bei Regen. ---------------------- A rather unusual view of Heidelberg's castle from the belltower of the Heiliggeistkirche (Church of the Holy Spirit). The photo was made in the course of a Panoramio Meeting In Heidelberg. Climbing up the steep ad narrow spiral staircase with two way traffic and fully loaded with tripod and photo backpack was quite a challenge. However the reward was this nice view, even at a rainy day.

Die Neckarschleife bei Neckargerach - Neckar Bend…

03 Dec 2014 14 21 730 einem milden Wintertag auf dem Weg zur Margarethenschlucht. Panorama aus 8 HF Fotos Der gleiche Blick von weiter oben: Neckartal bei Neckargerach mit Umlaufberg (240°) ----------------------------------------- ... on a mild winter day on my way to a famous ravine (Margarethenschlucht). Compiled from 8 portrait shots. The same view from higher above: Neckartal bei Neckargerach mit Umlaufberg (240°)

Hamburg's Waterfront at Night - Hafenpanorama von…

11 Apr 2014 29 45 768
Best on black in full resolution

Sharp as a Razor, Channel 2 and Spiegel ;-) - Scha…

01 May 2015 22 22 713
10-Week Picture Projects: Textures, Week 6: (October 19-25): sharp Compiled from 4 portrait shots

Blue Hour at the River - Blaue Stunde an der Elbe…

31 Jul 2015 24 32 902
This panorama has been compiled from 6 portrait shots. The image is approximately 10.000 px wide and 5.000 px high. Stitched with Panorama Studio II and resulting .tif processed in Lightroom 5.7. 0,6 s, f/8, ISO 160 Please view at full resolution.

Broken Up-per Rhine Valley

17 Feb 2015 25 62 685
TSC - The Sunday Challenge, November 29th. - Broken, anything! Königsstuhl vista of Heidelberg and the Upper Rhine Valley PiP without cracks the day after :-)

60 items in total