Hamburg, Rathaus und Kleine Alster bei "Schiedwedder" (195°), Erinnerung an das Panoramio Treffen 2013, OMG :-/

Hamburg, die schöne Kühle im Norden

Folder: Germany - Deutschland

Beer University or Redlight District? (270°)

Christopher Street Day in Hamburg's Hafencity (345…

02 Aug 2015 30 39 1018
HFF to everyone on a grey, rainy and cold Friday.

... nothing easier than that ;-) (180°)

17 Oct 2015 20 50 726
TSC - The Sunday Challenge - Oct. 18th, 2015 - Adverising Poster Adverising on the soon to open 25-hours Hotel in Hamburg's Hafencity making reference to the agony of the city's most prestigeous construction site, the Elbphilharmonie (see PiP), which has suffered a massive cost overrun and a delay of actually 7 years. Quote Wikipedia: On 2 April 2007, the foundation stone was laid in the warehouse Kaispeicher A [ ...... ] The construction was scheduled to be finished by 2010 with an estimated cost of €241 million. In November 2008, as an endorsement to the original contract, the costs for the project were estimated at €450 million. In August 2012, the cost were re-estimated to be over €500 million, which should also cover the increased cost for a strengthened roof. As of December 2014, construction work is scheduled to end in October 2016 at a cost of €789 million, with an announced opening date of 12 January 2017. Unquote Wikipedia. Let's wait and see ... As of today (Febr. 26th, 2020) all the trouble is forgotten and the cost of almost 800 M€ is a non issue in Hamburg. Instead everybody is happy about this wonderful new concert hall which is attracting not only the Hamburgers but tourists from around the world. Even three years after the grand opening it is difficult to get tickets for one of the more than 600 annual concerts. Beethoven, Klavierkonzert Nr. 5, Emperor (HFF in der Elbphilharmonie)

Die Rote Flora (270°)

30 Apr 2015 20 26 875
NTSC - Not the Sunday Challenge, Oct. 18th, 2015. Advertising Poster - only one? a truckload! Die Rote Flora ist ein Autonomes Zentrum im seit November 1989 besetzten Restgebäude des ehemaligen Flora-Theaters am Schulterblatt 71 im Schanzenviertel des Hamburger Stadtteils Sternschanze. Seit 1988, mit der Verhinderung des Umbaus der Flora zu einem Musicaltheater, gilt sie als Symbol eines linksradikalen Widerstands oder auch Brennpunkt politisch motivierter, gewaltsamer Auseinandersetzungen. Mehr hier: The Rote Flora has been a Theater and later a Cinema (actually a real nice one) and Department Store. In 1988 it should have been converted to a Musical Theater for "The Phantom of the Opera" when radical autonomous leftists took over and occupied the building. Since then it has been a thorn in the flesh of the city with an uncertain future.

Tiny Restaurant / Winziges Restaurant

01 Aug 2015 24 38 777
Under the roofscape, see PIP My granny grew up next door (born 1891) The Menu / Speisekarte Die Krameramtsstuben in Hamburg liegen am Krayenkamp in der Neustadt unterhalb des „Michels“. Ehemals als Wohnungen für Witwen vom Krameramt genutzt, bilden die um 1620 bis 1700 errichteten Fachwerkhäuser heute die letzte geschlossene Hofbebauung des 17. Jahrhunderts in Hamburg. Heute von kleinen Läden, Galerien, Restaurants und einer als Museum erhaltenen Wohnung genutzt, veranschaulicht das Ensemble aus den beiden Vorderhäusern, mit den beidseitig entlang eines schmalen Ganges errichteten Häusern der Hofbebauung, am besten das Aussehen der bis ins 20. Jahrhundert weite Teile der Hamburger Alt- und Neustadt prägenden Gängeviertel. Aus Wikipedia ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Krameramtsstuben (Grocers' Apartments) are historic buildings on Krayenkamp, near St. Michaelis Church in the Neustadt district of Hamburg, Germany. Formerly homes for widows of members of the Grocers’ Institute (Krameramtswohnungen), the 1620 to 1700 built, timber-framed buildings form the last of the 17th century enclosed courtyards of Hamburg. Now occupied by small shops, galleries, restaurants and a museum, the group is arranged along the sides of a narrow courtyard, behind two 1700s buildings which front the street. The oldest houses in the system (Krayenkamp 10/11 - houses a, n and m) are also the oldest surviving residential buildings in central Hamburg. With cantilevered floors and ornamental cut cleats, they were built around 1620 (Rear houses 1615-20; Vorderhaus 1625[1]) as a country house and summerhouse on what were otherwise ornamental and pleasure gardens. Their exposed 17th century ceiling paintings are evidence that the original owners were members of the upper class. At the time, Neustadt had just been included within the fortified ramparts of Hamburg. In 1676 the wealthy and prestigious Grocers’ Institute (Krameramt; formed in 1375 to offer guild-like protection to merchants), purchased the grounds and erected 20 apartments for the widows of deceased members, to encourage them to vacate their shops in favour of new members. In addition to the rent-free apartments, the widows were given fuel and a modest pension. The buildings have twisted brick chimneys and characteristic wooden racks for drying laundry outside the windows. The institute was dissolved in 1866. Having previously used wells in the courtyard, the homes were finally supplied with mains water in 1900. In 1933, the buildings were made subject to a preservation order, and they survived the bombing raids of World War II without major damage. From 1972 to 1974, a $1.6 million Deutschmark renovation project was undertaken. From Wikipedia

Lots of Ipers in Hamburg

01 May 2015 19 31 865
HFF to everyone on another grey and rainy Friday. Enjoy your weekend anyway! Did you recognize anyone? Edit Dezember 2023: Leider fällt das schöne Gebäude rechts (Alte Börse) gerade dem Abrissbagger zum Opfer

Heavy Lift Lift - Laste(n/r) Aufzüge

02 Aug 2015 21 47 893
Truck lifts in Hamburg's old "Elbe Tunnel" Fahrkörbe für PKW und LKW Verkehr Alter Elbtunnel Elbe Tunnel An early HFF to everyone on late November 12th. Enjoy the weekend and now find the fences!

Zollkanal - Harbor Canal (120°)

02 Aug 2015 28 41 865
HFF to everyone, keep your feet dry and grab a glas of good red wine. Rainstorms are moving in from the west. Find lots of fences and enjoy your weekend ;-))

Madonna of the Seas - Madonna der Meere

17 May 2013 11 19 1284
PIP: Der unvergänglichen See, den Schiffen, die nicht mehr sind und den schlichten Männern, deren Tage nicht wiederkehren. (To the imperishable sea, to the ships that are no more and to the simple men who have had their day.) Joseph Conrad in Notes on my Books The Madonna of the Seas, located near Hamburg's Fischmarkt (Fish Market) is a memorial for seamen lost at sea erected in 1985. The bronze statue of Martin Sihle-Wissel has been created following an initiative of local Cape Hoorners and the association "Platz der Seefahrt" (Place of Seafaring) to establish an appropriate memorial place for all seafarers and fishermen lost at sea. During the 100 years before almost 26.000 german seafarers and fishermen lost their lives at sea. Die Madonna der Meere, auch Madonna der Seefahrt genannt, am St.-Pauli-Fischmarkt ist ein Denkmal für alle auf See Gebliebenen. Sie wurde 1985 aufgestellt. Das Bronzemonument des Bildhauers Manfred Sihle-Wissel ist auf die Initiative der Cap Hoorniers und eines eigens dafür gegründeten Vereins "Platz der Seefahrt" zurückzuführen. Ihr Anliegen war es, den auf See gebliebenen Fischern und Seeleuten eine angemessene Gedenkstätte zu errichten. In den vorangegangenen hundert Jahren starben fast 26.000 Seeleute der deutschen Fischerei- und Handelsschifffahrt den Seemannstod. Quelle: Wikipedia Zum gestrigen Totensonntag

Invasion Force from Mars?

02 Aug 2015 38 64 1281
HFF to all freinds and visitors, enjoy the weekend and now find the fence ;-)) Inner court of the Chilehaus in Hamburg, part of Hamburg's Kontorhausviertel and UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 2015 The small green spots in the sky are the spaceships of the invasion force from Mars (ko, please confirm ;-)))

Confused? - Alles klar?

01 May 2015 37 50 930
HFF - Happy Fence Friday, friends, Xmas is just two weeks away. Enjoy another advent weekend. - Gebäude der Patriotischen Gesellschaft von 1765 im Hintergrund

Blue Hour at the Waterfront - Blaue Stunde am Hafe…

31 Jul 2015 44 55 908
HFF friends with a rudimentary fence and season greetings to everyone in case I forget :-) Best on black!

Floating Docks 10 and 11, Blohm + Voss Shipyard, H…

Micro Brewery - Albrechts Brauhaus - Hamburg

31 Jul 2015 23 28 758
Not really a fence, but what the heck. HFF everyone and enjoy the weekend and a glas of beer whereever you live on this beautiful blue planet.

Inner Harbor - Binnenhafen Hamburg (270°)

01 May 2015 23 37 790
HFF Jan. 22nd, 2016 - It must be Friday somewhere already. Happy Fence Thursday night to all those, who are deeply concerned about the future of Ipernity and all others as well. Please read team blog "Uptime 3535" and renew your club membership anyway!

Hamburg City View with Inner Alster Basin (210°)

03 May 2015 38 52 793
HFF to all of you, enjoy the weekend and find the big Apple Store on Jungfernstieg (something like Hamburg's 5th Ave.)

Subway Station with Glass Fences - U-Bahn Station…

03 May 2015 52 64 1139
HFF - Happy Fence Friday on a sunny Winter day to all friends and visitors - PIP: All colors

406 items in total