liattbaifosafsn's photos

22 Oct 2016

105 visits

leaf veins, watercolor

22 Oct 2016

101 visits

leaf veins, blood

22 Oct 2016

113 visits

leaf veins, green glow

01 Sep 2015

101 visits

summer forest path

01 Sep 2015

114 visits

summer marsh elevators

09 Aug 2014

111 visits

giant antlion

fuji x100s, fujinon 23mm f/2, 1/45, f/8, iso 6400

10 Mar 2011

5 favorites

291 visits

rain swing

kiev 60, volna-3 80mm f/2.8, kodak portra 160, tetenal c-41 kit

27 Sep 2010

1 favorite

197 visits

green weeds and branch

minolta autocord, rokkor 75mm f/3.5, kodak pro 100, tetenal c-41 kit

29 Sep 2011

5 favorites

376 visits

elevators on river

kiev 60, mir-26b 45mm f/3.5, kodak pro 100, tetenal c-41 kit
64 items in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.