First Night - First Meal

Dänemark 2009

Hiking and beach holiday in denmark. Great fun!

Shooting Ground

Shooting Ground // 2

26 Sep 2009 361
This is a military training ground - next to our camping ground. To bad, it looked like a very interesting landscape. Northern Denmark - worth a visit!

More... Bunker.

Bunker Galore...

26 Sep 2009 328
I knew there are a lot of old WWII-Bunker at the coastline of Denmark, but I never saw as many as these in one place. There are eight in this picture, and there were at least five behind me.


Sand - Water - Light.

Sand - Water - Light // 2

Wow // 2

Kitesurfer - Trockenübung

Amber. Amber. Stone. Amber.



Skybeams // 2

Darth Bunker

71 items in total