Moon (view on black)


Folder: Astronomy


18 Oct 2018 11 3 98
Mars and Moon: A long (0,3 sec) exposure and a short (1/320 sec) one

Gutenmorgen Mond

Good morning (view on black)

Mondkranz (view on black)

02 Aug 2018 5 2 193
3:10 guckte mal kurz hinaus und konnte nicht widerstehen. Ungefähr 20 kaputte Pixel entfernt, die restliche helle Punkte sind tatsächlich hintergrund Sterne, keine sehr bekannte Sterne aber trotzdem...

End of the total eclipse

28 Jul 2018 13 7 181
Bargerveen: starting at 0:03 every 5 minutes. All same exif's

End of the total eclipse

27 Jul 2018 16 9 191
Bargerveen: Lunareclips

Mondfinsternis 27/7/2018

27 Jul 2018 22 16 243
Bargerveen: starting at 23:14 every 5 minutes. The PiP shows a later sequence Note, the next nice lunareclipse will be on january 21 2019. Circumstances may be better, the moon is higher in the sky. But no Mars present and it wil be colder.

What a difference a day makes

27 Jul 2018 24 11 286

Mondfinsternis Juli 2018

27 Jul 2018 18 13 312
Am 21-1-2019 ist wieder einen totalen Mondfinsternis zu sehen, diesmal morgens früh Zeiten:

Fully eclipsed

27 Jul 2018 23 11 246
Bargerveen: 22:55

Moment sublime

27 Jul 2018 18 12 224
Bargerveen: 23:14. The end of the total eclipse was, I think, the nicest moment

Moondance (and Mars)

27 Jul 2018 16 14 223
By who else than Van Morrison

Blood Moon and God of War

27 Jul 2018 15 7 226
Bargerveen: 23:06

Total eclipse (view on black)

27 Jul 2018 16 6 201
Bargerveen: starting at 22:20 every 2,5 minutes. All same exif's

First sighting

27 Jul 2018 7 3 220
Bargerveen: 22:11

Interesting sites during full moon

26 Jul 2018 10 3 69
Picture on the right is a negative to show more details of the bright parts 1 ..... 8 bright craters A a very bright area named after the astronomer Cassini B and C two dark craters

Moon (view on black)

Mond mit "Seen" (view on black)

17 Jul 2018 16 13 173
Prime focus Newton telescope. D=15 cm f=750 mm

214 items in total