1 € Job in Hamburg


1 € Job in Hamburg

19 Aug 2011 24 13 798
Ich weiss nicht mehr was sie gespielt haben aber... www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnE9ooiC-tc

Sie hat ihr Herz in Heidelberg verloren

iPPa Treff beim Chilehaus


25 Jul 2015 5 5 440
They did not play this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmU58xf7OxY but they were good

Painting a house in Dingle

Even loved by non-Dubliners

Life in Dublin

17 Jul 2015 8 6 326
He ofcourse plays an irish tune www.youtube.com/watch?v=lisFXzPYR4E

Hafencity, Hamburg

St. Anne's Church

It's me calling...

Panic, where is he

Temple Bar

17 Jul 2015 3 2 231
Mutefish, Live in Temple Bar www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8DJFG8Jcp4

#8 Hamburger Hauptbahnhof 16:16

13 Jun 2015 17 12 597
Soundtrack to Life: Elmore James, The sky is crying www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKEdlSTHjtU

42 items in total