Selected Works - Colourful
A selection of pictures with colour as a dominant component, sorted according to different subjects.
Best watched as a slide show
Best watched as a slide show
26 Sep 2010
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Photokina Herd #5
Best seen on Black
People looking at the Sony World Photography Awards / Amateur photos at the Visual Gallery of the Photokina 2010.
Since the exhibition was full of masterpieces of professionals it was very easily discernible that these were amateur photos
This series of pictures with the title "Photokina Herd" shows picture of people attending the Photokina 21010 in Cologne. Each one appears to have been taken in one shot but it wasn't. Each one is a superimposition of a series of pictures, sometimes some are superimposed deliberately in a wrong order. so, these people never have been in the same spot at the same time as they appear to be here. Sometimes they appear as ghosts in order to induce the feeling of time passing.
24 Sep 2010
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1 comment
Canon Birds
Six superimposed pictures of the Origami birds who were suspended and moving in a flying like motion
05 Mar 2011
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Mimi's Lemon
Dedicated to dear Mimi who gave me this lemon from her garden and who is now in a difficult situation.
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