Reimarusstrasse, Johannisbollwerk, S-Bahn, Bus, U-Bahn, Einbahnstrasse

Signs / Schilder

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Street-Signs, warnings, which was forbidden by law... Hinweisschilder, Strassenschilder und Verbote

U, uh - it's blue!

29 Apr 2007 1031
Undergoundsign at station Feldstrasse, U3 (yellow line), Hamburg. In the background Flakbunker Heiligengeistfeld. Gruppe Theme of the week : Thema something blue .

Renovation - Announcewall

16 Feb 2007 455
The wall where the constructors announced their work. And - and this was the reason that I took this photo - here you could see how the building look when the renovate would be finish.

Sparda-Bank Hamburg: 15.000 Euro Spende zur Förder…

21 Feb 2007 562
Minolta DSC

Der Besitzer dieses Pollers?!

27 Jun 2007 873
Oder was soll mir dieses Schild sagen?! Marktstrasse Ecke Marktweg

Dart & Kikern

10 Aug 2007 1011
Dart spielen und dabei rauskieken? Trotz geschlossener Jalousie. Paul-Roosen-Strasse Ecke Kleine Freiheit

FC St. Pauli

05 Jun 2001 562
FC St. Pauli - Flag on my wall See where this picture was taken. [?]


23 May 2001 714
Go, get the fc bavaria munich! Congratulation-announce after the season by Astra (a local-beer) See where this picture was taken. [?]


02 May 2001 1 1 586
Reise in die Niederlande, um dort einige Tulpen auszusuchen. Ich mag dieses "Uit", weil es sich wie ein bremsendes Auto liest. Und in diesem Fall wundere ich mich über das blaue Nummernschild - in den Niederlanden werden normalerweise gelb unterlegte verwendet?! Gruppe Thema der Woche: " Auf der Straße ". Gruppe Domino : Blick aus einem Auto vom Beifahrersitz aus auf eine Autobahn bzw. Schnellstraße.


02 May 2001 635
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips Parkingarea. Photographed for easier finding the car after the visit ;) See where this picture was taken. [?]

Haarlem Stadion (outside the USA)

02 May 2001 550
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips See where this picture was taken. [?]


02 May 2001 549
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips. The gas - prices

Liftingbridge ahead

02 May 2001 756
Journey to the Netherlands to watch some tulips Sign on the highway to inform about a lifting bridge (yes, on the highway?!)

Autobahn-Brücke in den Niederlanden

02 May 2001 2 2 951
Reise durch die Niederlande zum Keukenhof. Domino - Gruppe : Schriftzug " Amsterdam ".


27 Sep 2006 642
Gateway to the port. Sign "Attention! Slippery" See where this picture was taken. [?]

Bettenhaus "Schlafwandel" / Bedshop "noctambulism"

24 Dec 2006 707
LOL. Anzeige in der U-Bahn für das "Bettenhaus Schlafwandel" (bedshop noctambulism)

Hamburger Arche

24 Dec 2006 1 691
Hamburg hat viele zu klein bemessene Plakatwände.

Day #027: 62 years ago - and never forgotten

27 Jan 2007 716
Today, just 62 years ago. Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Union. "There can be no reversing the unique tragedy of the Holocaust. It must be remembered, with shame and horror, for as long as human memory continues. Only by remembering can we pay fitting tribute to the victims. Millions of innocent Jews and members of other minorities were murdered in the most barbarous ways imaginable. We must never forget those men, women and children, or their agony." — United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, January 27, 2006 In Germany it's actually not tolerated by some courts to wear this button cause it shows the Hakenkreuz - the slashed one, of course... They mean that it could concern confusion, LOL. I didn't have reservations to wear the slashed Hakenkreuz. It's absolutly clear what it means even if some courts seems to misinterpret that as a pro-nazi-thing. It seemed the judge hadn't a drivinglicense or just don't know what these bar means...?! Never forget. Think about it. Not just today.

Day #027: 62 years ago - and never forgotten

27 Jan 2007 871
Today, just 62 years ago. Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp by the Soviet Union. "There can be no reversing the unique tragedy of the Holocaust. It must be remembered, with shame and horror, for as long as human memory continues. Only by remembering can we pay fitting tribute to the victims. Millions of innocent Jews and members of other minorities were murdered in the most barbarous ways imaginable. We must never forget those men, women and children, or their agony." — United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, January 27, 2006 In Germany it's actually not tolerated by some courts to wear this button cause it shows the Hakenkreuz - the slashed one, of course... They mean that it could concern confusion, LOL. I didn't have reservations to wear the slashed Hakenkreuz. It's absolutly clear what it means even if some courts seems to misinterpret that as a pro-nazi-thing. It seemed the judge hadn't a drivinglicense or just don't know what these bar means...?! Never forget. Think about it. Not just today.

107 items in total