Bienen- Hotel, nun leider kein Zimmer mehr frei!

Pets / Fauna / Tiere

Folder: Misc, group-folders, other stuff, ...
Cats, spiders, ducks and the other pets.

Rocky, der stürmische Kater
Noisy, die zickige Katze
Pauly, der Schokoladensiam
...und alle anderen Tiere.

The definitely last photo of my cat "Noisy"

10 Dec 2007 2320
* 20. March 2002 - † 10. December 2007 Died due of bladder-cancer

Herbst - Stimmung

31 Oct 2007 3114
Leises rauschen der Blätter im Wind, nur unterbrochen von einigen anderen Geräuschen: - " Louisiana Star " (das Tuten vom Schaufelraddampfer ist von Sekunde 2 bis Sekunde 7 aus dem nahen Hafen zu hören). - Rocky , meinem Kater ("Mau!" "Mau?" bei Sekunde 15 und Sekunde 17). - Und ab Minute 1:05 eine mir persönlich nicht näher bekannte Krähe (Krah! Krah!).

A mole

23 Oct 2007 2 1284
I don't know the name of him but these kind of moles was very popular in Germany in the end of ´70 - possibly promoted by television or something like that. I love them as a kid - and he is the last survivor. Now he lives in a flowerpot. Surelly he was at one with the world. :)

Rocky dreaming

16 Sep 2007 1 1120
Laying at the balcony

Noisy watching what I've doing

16 Sep 2007 1024
At the balcony

Rocky knocked out

16 Sep 2007 900
Laying at the balcony

Katze auf ungesichertem Balkon

25 Aug 2007 1 1000
Genauso wenig glaube ich allerdings, dass es immernoch Leute gibt, die Katzen auf ungesicherte Balkons lassen. und die es nicht zu stören scheint, wenn die Balkonbrüstung zu einem Catwalk umstillisiert wird. :-( Möge der Katze Glück beschert sein und ihr nie eine Fliege oder ein Schmetterlink im falschen Moment vor der Nase umher schwirren - oder sie dann wenigstens richtig landen. Aber ich könnte schreien bei so viel Gedankenlosigkeit...! Domino: Wäsche, die auf einem Balkon trocknet.

Nacktschnecke / Slug

18 Aug 2007 976
Krabbelte plötzlich am Zelt hoch...


29 Apr 2007 764
Heiligengeistfeld See where this picture was taken. [?]


29 Apr 2007 737
Heiligengeistfeld See where this picture was taken. [?]

Da wirst du augenblicklich zum Vegetarier...

11 Apr 2007 1 4 1195
Seltsamer Fund auf dem Fußweg. Ja, das ist wirklich ein Schweinekopf, der mitten auf dem Gehweg lag. Direkt nach Ostern, vielleicht von Leuten gegrillt, die kein Osterlamm mochten?!? Gruppe " Theme of the week ": Thema " Scary things ". See where this picture was taken. [?]

Noisy are sleeping...

06 Apr 2007 834
...near me in the bed, too See where this picture was taken. [?]

Rocky "The king of cats" suns, too

01 Apr 2007 3 931
Of course - on the floor, not at the top of the scratchtree. ;-) See where this picture was taken. [?]

One love a day - #002: Noisy, the diva

01 Apr 2007 3 2 4178
What would be Ipernity without the typical cat-portraits? And so there is one of my two cats - called Noisy - and sometimes like a diva, like a typically bitch. But she's even lovefully cause she is tendentiousness - but what could you do? She's a CAT! And cats should have a strong nature. An acquaintance who hear that my first cat called Pauli (a siam) died wrote me an email to ask if I would take another cat now - and I said yes - bought she to me a few mounths after Paulis dead - she was 12 weeks old and living there since then. With these bitch-like she was the totally opponent like my other cat called Rocky - don't ask why I call him Rocky in this case - he was the totally opposite which you could thought if you hear the name of him. He's far from it - he's the king of the cats, majestetic - he think so - but Noisy just jawn when she see him... As I said, she's a bitch. A lovely one, but still a bitch. ;-) Gruppe Theme of the week: Cats . In remembering of a wonderful one.

Portrait (fullbody and naked) of Noisy

01 Apr 2007 1 997
Naked cause she usually laying in a pillowcase when she's sunning there. :o) See where this picture was taken. [?]

Noisy laying in the sun at the balcony

01 Apr 2007 9 6 1568
On top of the scratchtree (Noisy died in December 2007 because of cancer) 2014-01-22: It´s about one year ago that I have to set my last cat - Rocky - to an endless sleep, and over the time I´m OK with it. Now I feel ready for another cat because - well - there is something missing, something fluffy which is wandering around my legs. So be prepared to view a few photos of a cat in my account. I don´t know how he/she will be looking, but I suggest it will be a - well - cat. ;-)

Painting messages at the window

19 Feb 2007 1 938
Today this window get changed by craftsmen so I get the grace to paint some messages on it.

Rocky, get ready to jump at Noisy

18 Feb 2007 600
From the top of the monitor

226 items in total