Tribünenkonstruktion, erst Stahl, nun aus Beton, w…
Fussballfans sind Datenschutzlos
Mittendrin statt Montag
Datei Gewalttäter Sport
Pro 15:30 - Gegen Montagsspiele
Konfetti-, Flaggen- und Bierspritzer
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2002 Annual general meeting FC St. Pauli
Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung (01.Juli 2001 - 30.Jun…
Ausgangssituation mit neuem Stadion ;-)
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FC St. Pauli, Jahreshauptversammlung (annual general meeting) 2002 with one of the many new stadiums FC St. Pauli wants to construct (none are really constructed, about 10 or something like that are planned...). So it's a running gag in the fanscene of FC St. Pauli, as it told in english as "to throw one's cap over the mill" or "to build castles in the air" so these photos are something special even if they are in a worst quality. So forgive me I've uploaded them... but as I told - they are all about a special amusing - the many but never constructs stadiums of FC St. Pauli...
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