

Every autumn, thousands of Sandhill Cranes descend on Big Marsh Lake, an Audubon property overseen by the Battle Creek Chapter of the Audubon Society.

Sandhill Cranes

22 Oct 2005 1 247
At Big Marsh Lake from the Kiwanis Youth Conservation Area, near Bellevue, on 10/22/2005. Hundreds of cranes have already landed in the marsh; some can be seen in this photo (though not well; they're mostly along those broken trees). Michigan Audubon's Cranefest occurs at Big Marsh early every October, but Audubon and Kiwanis open the viewing area on weekends throughout the month.


09 Oct 2010 1 1 219
10/9/2010, during Cranefest at Big Marsh Lake.

Sandhill Cranes_305

30 Oct 2010 1 1 209
One last shot of the cranes, for now, with a reminder that Michigan Audubon's Cranefest occurs on the second weekend in October, at Big Marsh Lake near Bellevue, Michigan. Put it on you calendar; it's wonderful.

A Walk in the Woods

14 Oct 2018 162
Kiwanis Youth Conservation Area, near Bellevue, Michigan.

Sandhills @ Big Marsh

03 Nov 2018 185
Please pardon the amateurish (18 second) video. Thanks. Some clues, here, about why we find our way to Michigan Audubon's CraneFest most autumns. All those large birds. All that noise.

Sandhills Over Big Marsh Lake

03 Nov 2018 195
Near Bellevue, Michigan.

Sandhills Overhead

03 Nov 2018 239
Some of 'em flew right over our heads.

How We Watch the Cranes

03 Nov 2018 179
The viewing area at Kiwanis Youth Conservation Area, looking towards Big Marsh Lake. The Sandhills gather at Big Marsh every evening in the fall, gathering before migrating south. Audubon does a headcount at the lake every November; in 2014 that count was about 9,400 birds . The late October and early November weekend viewings are jointly sponsored by Battle Creek Kiwanis and Michigan Audubon. The viewings are related to, but not a part of, Michigan Audubon's CraneFest, which occurs at the same location in mid-October.

Cranes Over the Marsh

03 Nov 2018 1 2 177
This is what we came to see. As evening falls we watch cranes flying in from all directions. After a few circles around Big Marsh Lake, each flight lands. And another flight joins the fun, circling the lake in its turn.


03 Nov 2018 169
Overhead. Directly overhead.

Big Marsh Lake

09 Oct 2010 2 1 203
Part of Michigan Audubon's Baker Sanctuary, from the Kiwanis Youth Conservation Area. Sandhill Cranes live here; in the autumn there are thousands of 'em. Taken during CraneFest about a decade ago.

48 items in total