Snow Returns to Mulliken



07 Oct 2012 1 2 158
People buy macro lenses to photograph all sorts of things, but there's a reason the compact cameras label macro mode with a tulip.... ========== This photograph is an outtake from my 2012 photo-a-day project, 366 Snaps . Number of project photos taken: 33 Title of " roll :" Flowers in the Yard Other photos taken on 10/7/2012: none. But I recovered the color for some of the 366 Snaps pix and (eventually) posted 'em.


02 Feb 2014 167
The view that greeted me this morning. I grabbed the snow blower....

Apple Blossoms

12 May 2013 1 2 174
A Flower a Day for February .

What This Morning Looked Like

What This Morning Looked Like

The Junco at the Feeder

05 Feb 2014 1 156
This fellow doesn't seem to realize he's a ground feeder.

Squirrel in the Snow

Rose Garden Trellis, with spider

10 Jun 2012 1 168
A Flower a Day for February .

Age 62: Joel on his Porch

10 Apr 2011 5 230
This would be me....

Taffy Under Blankie

The Table on the Deck

20 Feb 2014 1 136
And again it's snowing....

The View from the Garage

28 Feb 2014 1 3 200
When will it end?

From under the trailer to under the shed.

Living Room

Shadow, Hibiscus, Yucca

03 Mar 2014 1 1 160
Pretty outside today, but quite chilly.

Patterns on the Snow


05 Mar 2014 1 195
Finding it difficult to adjust to the new tablecloth....

652 items in total