Ducks on the Pond, Meijer Gardens


While I'm not a serious birder, I take lots of photos of birds.

Frozen Dock

27 Feb 2005 104
Spent my birthday weekend in Traverse City. We've never gone away for my birthday, so that was a treat. Of course, February's weather is a risk. The weekend's first two days had excellent weather, as this shot shows. Monday and Tuesday were a little less friendly. Better detail in the larger view. This is the dock behind Holiday Inn West Bay, where we roomed Saturday night before moving to Pointes North for the rest of our stay. Sunday morning found this excellent light, and this bird posed for my camera.

Sandhill and Geese

25 Jun 2005 100
Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan. Camera: Nikon D70


19 Oct 2003 93
Bennett Farm, St. Johns, Michigan. Camera: Olympus Camedia C50


09 Jul 2005 70
@ Petoskey State Park.

Gull at Sunset

25 Jun 2005 97
Another gull floating above the Straits of Mackinac. Photo from our June weekend in St. Ignace.

Gull's Feet

07 Aug 2005 63
This is kinda interesting, but obviously not the picture I intended. Port Huron, Michigan. Not that anyone really cares.


03 Sep 2005 68
I went outside; these guys fled. Along with a couple hundred of their friends.

Clouds Over Cathead Bay

26 Sep 2005 192
Explored! #103 [February 4, 2013] Thanks! Leelanau State Park, Northport, Michigan. Best in large size, methinks. Two more views of this bay.


26 Sep 2005 120
I take lots of photos of ducks, mostly because I tend to hang out where ducks hang out. Every now and then I need to post one of those pics. I'd been photographing something else when these birds landed just a few feet from where I was watching. Obviously they're accustomed to having folks just standing around on the hotel's beach.... Traverse City, Michigan.

Autumn in Grand Ledge

19 Oct 2003 76
GL's Second Island park, a couple autumns back.

Prehistoric Birds

22 Oct 2005 86
A few of the thousands of Sandhill Cranes which descended on Big Marsh Lake this evening while we were watching. Taken at Michigan Audubon Society's Baker Sanctuary , just south of Bellevue; technically I was in the Kiwanis Youth Area.... I can hint at the visual effect with a photo or two. This medium, unfortunately, doesn't capture the sound of these large, loud birds. Picture's better in the large size, of course.

Swans @ Big Marsh

22 Oct 2005 68
Better large! Another photo from yesterday. Not all the birds in the preserve are cranes.


29 Oct 2005 65
Feeding in our front yard.

Catwalk, with gull

20 Aug 2005 78
The walkway to the Pier Light at the Sturgeon Bay Ship Canal entrance in Wisconsin's Door County.

Sandhills Landing

22 Oct 2005 77
This is the best of the many photographs I took at Big Marsh Lake the other night; it shows a number of Sandhill Cranes landing. Notice all the smaller birds in flight, and the already-landed cranes wading in the water. The larger size is better. This photo pushes the limits of my camera/lens set; I was using a tripod, was setting the focus manually, and had preset most of the settings. While I'm quite satisfied with this photograph, the "grain" shows more than I'd like. I've pulled a few more photos out of the set, and will share them presently.

Sandhill Cranes in Flight

22 Oct 2005 122
Photo taken at the Kiwanis Youth Area, near Michigan Audubon's Baker Sanctuary. Just south of Bellevue, Michigan. My brother published a similar photo the other day.

Goose @ Second Island

20 Nov 2005 83
Joan captured this photo of a large, handsome goose in downtown Grand Ledge during yesterday's hike along the river. It's about the size of a small turkey. Can anyone identify it more closely than "goose?" None of our myriad of reference books seems helpful.


25 Nov 2005 59
By the time I'd dug the long lens out and fetched the tripod, the Cardinal had gone. Found this nice Junco, though. Joan's not happy about the Juncos. She likes 'em, but they never get here in November. Probably doesn't bode well....

506 items in total