Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen deceased

Posted: 03 Jul 2017

Taken: 31 Jan 2017

2 favorites     1 comment    306 visits

1/1000 f/8.0 50.0 mm ISO 100


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" A Limited Edition " " A Limited Edition "


Grand Canyon
United States
rock formations
Grand Canyon Village

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306 visits

"Duck on a Rock" – Grand Canyon Village, Grand Canyon, Arizona

"Duck on a Rock" – Grand Canyon Village, Grand Canyon, Arizona
From the National Parks Service interpretive panel: "Duck on a Rock? Grand Canyon’s seemingly endless formations evoke shapes that only our imaginations can bring to life. Early mapmakers saw castles and temples in the rocks. Try taking a playful look at Grand Canyon – like imagining the shape of a duck in the rock that stands before you. Decade after decade, visitors come to this spot to look for the ‘Duck on a Rock.’ What do you see? Nothing in Grand Canyon is static. One day, the duck-like shape will take a different form as the power of erosion slowly sculpts it. Come back in 50 or 100 years and see how the duck has transformed."

, Steve Bucknell have particularly liked this photo

 Steve Bucknell
Steve Bucknell club
It's a Sphinx Dog Wearing a Clown's Hat Looking Behind Itself...well, you did ask...
7 years ago.

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