UK is in lockdown too - Day 1

UK is in Lockdown too

The second Covid-19 lockdown in the UK during the 2020 pandemic. A picture a day for the duration, using just 50mm and 100mm prime lenses.

05 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 1

The first day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

06 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 2

The second day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:2.8 100mm prime lens.

07 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 3

The third day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens. Cat ornament - an impulse buy, inspired by the facial expression.

08 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 4

“Sprout Spiral”. The fourth day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

09 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 5

The fifth day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

10 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 6

"Harvey the Hare". The sixth day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

11 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 7

"Audio-visual home entertainment." The seventh day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

12 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 8

“Last of the summer harvest”. We had a total of nine nice apples from our little tree this year. The Eighth day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.

13 Nov 2020

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UK is in lockdown too - Day 9

“80 Plus Certified. Silverstone PSU”. The Ninth day of the UK's second period of lockdown in 2020 - 'Lockdown Two'. SMC Pentax-A 1:1.7 50mm prime lens.
27 items in total