The War Memorial Park, Basingstoke - 1978

Medium Format

Pictures made from medium format negatives, 1978 to date.

Negatives scanned and pictures produced on a PC.

Cameras used:
Rolleiflex TLR.
Mamiya C220 TLR
Yashica-Mat TLR
Bronica ETRS SLR

Mostly Ilford FP4 and HP5 film, some Kodak film.

Black and white negatives mostly home developed in ID11/D76.

01 Feb 1981

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537 visits

Basingstoke by Night, 1981

Basingstoke New Town centre, Hampshire, England, as viewed from the Basing View Business Park in February 1981. Mamiya twin lens reflex camera, 65mm Sekor lenses. Kodak Tri-X monochrome film (400ASA/ISO). Negative scanned using Canon CanoScan 8800F.

28 Feb 1983

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1 comment

440 visits

Winter 1983, Leeds

Winter 1983. Western Flats Park, Leeds, Yorkshire.

01 Jun 1986

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536 visits

Samson in the Window - June 1986

Ginger cat sitting in a window, June 1986. Mamiya C220 TLR with 80mm f2.8 Sekor lenses. Kodacolor VR 200 colour negative film rated at 200 ISO.

05 May 1979

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489 visits

Here's lookin' at you

Close up of wooden carvings. Mamiya TLR camera with 80mm Sekor lenses. Ilford FP4 120 (medium format) film developed in Ilford ID XI.

01 Mar 1979

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856 visits

Family Self Portrait with Mamiyaflex - March 1979

Scanned Kodak colour negative film. Processed to 'sepia' using Lab colour space functions in Serif PhotoPlus software. Mamiya C220 camera. March 1979.

12 Jan 1979

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548 visits

Portrait - 1979

Male Portrait - Silhouette. Negative exposed in 1979. Mamiya TLR medium format camera with Sekor 135mm f4.5 lens. Ilford FP4 black and white negative film, scanned using CanoScan 8800F. Converted to sepia using Lab Colour Space in Serif PhotoPlus software. The deckled effect around the central square was what I call a 'happy accident' and I decided to leave it in.

12 Jan 1979

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605 visits

Back Lit Portrait

1979. Mamiya TLR medium format camera with Sekor 135mm f4.5 lens. Ilford FP4 black and white negative film processed in Ilford ID XI, scanned using CanoScan 8800F.

12 Jan 1979

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354 visits

Portrait of a Lady

Picture from 1979. Mamiya C220 medium format TLR camera with 135mm Sekor lens. Window light. Ilford FP4 film developed in Ilford IDXI. Negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F scanner.

12 Jan 1979

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341 visits

Portrait of a Lady

Picture from 1979. Mamiya C220 medium format TLR camera with 135mm Sekor lens. Window light. Ilford FP4 film developed in Ilford IDXI. Negative scanned using CanoScan 8800F scanner.
168 items in total