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  Publication date  /  2019  /  June   -   84 photos

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  • Beautiful blue flowers growing on tree next door
  • Don't know the name of flower, but it's gorgeous
  • Gorgeous pink bouganvillea
  • Fluff not sure if she's awake or still asleep
  • A very nice plant facing the sea
  • Sunset at Turgetries
  • It was an incredible orange sunset
  • The orange just got deeper and deeper
  • One of the little islands dotting the horizon is one of the military zones between Turkey and Greece
  • Almost gone - it was magical
  • Some children giving a display to celebrate Bayram
  • Tiger playing underneath the coffee table
  • Look at that face - so adorable
  • An amazing home at the top of a hill overlooking the bay
  • The road into Turgetries with Kalimnos (Greece) in the  distance.
  • The two little "darlings" just stopping for a short while!!!
  • One of the many hotels lining the promenade at Turgetries
  • Litte Fluff is so gorgeous
  • Fluff looking adorable
  • View overlooking Yashi
  • Yashi bay from the top of a high hill - that's Kos, Greece in the far distance
  • Bay of Bitez, the village over the hill from Yashi
  • Looking at Yashi Bay from the other angle
  • The bouganvillea looks so striking against the white walls
  • The swimming pool at Vira's
  • Splashing and diving in
  • Another lovely view of Yashi bay with Kos on the far horizon
  • Visitor to the pool - I think it had its eye on me!!
  • Gorgeous sunset
  • View from the front door
  • Batman who wants nothing but a cuddle and love
  • The sunset got better and better
  • It was just about to end
  • One final display of red before it went altogether
  • View from my bedroom window
  • One of the roads around Yashi
  • Yalikavak, a lovely yachting town
  • Yalikavak - so pretty
  • Some wonderful additions for your garden
  • A pretty little mosque
  • Everywhere you look is colour
  • One of the hundreds of garden centres
  • Very mountainous area with large forests
  • Some of the forests are so pretty
  • There had been a fire a few years ago, so it's all new stuff
  • Fabulous Torba - a gorgeous seaside village about 5 miles from Mandi
  • The bay is so beautiful
  • Some of the newer houses on the hillsides
  • Bodrum has relaid this gorgeous road - it's so pretty
  • View over Gumbet, from the top of the hill of Bodrum
  • Turning round from the Gumbet view, is the main view of Bodrum
  • Looking down the bay from Bodrum
  • Bay of Yashi - where Mandi lives
  • Yashi bay - so pretty
  • I just love the colours everywhere
  • Bodrum - the castle in the middle
  • Torba - a beautiful little village
  • The road adjacent to Mandi's home
  • Overlooking the gorgeous Mediterranean
  • Tiger on the left and Fluff on the right
  • Freshly cooked sweetcorn being sold, this man walked up and down the promenade all day!!
  • This little trolley was selling fresh mussels
  • One of the hundreds of palm trees around
  • Gorgeous bouganvillea against the hotel wall
  • The landscape around Yashi
  • Landscape around Turgetries
  • One of the gorgeous homes for rent/sale
  • Mandi looking a tad tired - she was already dreading me going home
  • Little Tiger with her new "mum" - Ella
  • Mandi and I enjoying our ice-cream.
  • Tiger's new home
  • Lots of new homes going up in Bodrum
  • On the way to the airport - amazing granite walls
  • Some of the houses in Bodrum
  • Looking down over Bodrum castle
  • Wonderful Icelandic poppies everywhere
  • Beautiful purple loose-strife
  • These poppies are so abundant
  • I just managed to capture them while in full bloom
  • Wow - Pippin got caught out again!!!
  • The hoya plant definitely loves being in the window, look at all its blooms
  • There are close to 25 blooms on this hoya today - with more to come
  • They made the beginning of the driveway look as if the sun was out.
  • Oh he was so pleased to see me back - he even suffered having his photo taken, for a chin rub!!!