Stunning pink bourganvillea

Turkey holiday 2019

Stunning pink bourganvillea

This gorgeous plant is growing up all walls of hou…

One of the mosque turrets

18 May 2019 1 57
I just love the pale turquoise tiling on the roofs of the mosque.

One of the streets near Mandi's home - you can see…

Deep pink bouganvillea

You're not far from mountains in this part of Turk…

A delightful eating place for Subways!

18 May 2019 97
We'd popped in to Subways and I saw this lovely eating area - shaded from the sun and surrounded by the bouganvillea

The wall was completely covered in bouganvillea

More of the gorgeous flowers

A house near Mandi - gorgeous flowers just coverin…

The hotel where my son-in-law is manager.

I just love the way the bouganvillea grows up the…

18 May 2019 1 2 118
The colours against the bright white paint is absolutely gorgeous. Then you have the deep blue of the swimming pool and the blue sky and you have a fabulously colourful picture

Looking through the restaurant to the beach

18 May 2019 2 2 54
You can see how close his restaurant is to the beach, we go swimming either in the pool or the sea.

Look at that expression!!!

23 May 2019 2 4 105
As per usual Mandi is a magnet to all animals. This time though it was a lovely long haired Alsatian (German Shepherd). She just scratched behind her ears and she was in heaven!!!!

The view from the restaurant

23 May 2019 5 7 121
It was so close and hot, that water was just calling to me. Unfortunately I didn't have a swimsuit on, so I couldn't go for a swim. Next time will be another story. I'm going to wear my swimsuits whenever we go out = just in case!!!

Little Fluff

26 May 2019 4 2 117
Little Fluff is so adorable and Mandi just managed to catch him in a quiet moment.

Turgetries promenade

Turgetries marina - the lighthouse is in the middl…

110 items in total