My cherry tree in bloom

Looking out my window

11 Apr 2019

31 visits

My cherry tree in bloom

I had been a bit worried that the blossom would be blown away before I managed a pictureof it all out. Luckily today was a beautiful day, blue sky and no wind, so I was able to take loads of pictures - this was taken from my bedroom window!!!

11 Apr 2019

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57 visits

View from my bedroom window

11 Apr 2019

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69 visits

View from my bed this morning

How can you not want to get up and see this beauty? I took this picture about an hour after I'd got up, but I just wanted you to see what I see from my bed first thing in the morning. I don't expect this gorgeous sight to be for long, but just below the cherry blossom is a laburnham which will bloom later so I will have yellow rain from the window - however to the right of this view is my white lilac which should be in blossom in about a week - I'm so lucky to have this beauty surrounding my home.

11 Apr 2019

57 visits

Damn sycamore seeds fell onto the grass

11 Apr 2019

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41 visits

My hoya is growing so quickly

You can see how much growth this hoya has done this year - I've had to wind it round and round to keep it in check. I noticed this morning, that there are lots of small signs of flowers to come - hopefully this year will see more flowers than ever. It's amazing to think that this plant is at least 30 years old - incredible.

11 Apr 2019

39 visits

The mombretia is still struggling on

11 Apr 2019

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45 visits

There are two flowers here starting to grow

11 Apr 2019

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77 visits

New flowers showing on the hoya

11 Apr 2019

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87 visits

The cherry blossom looks so good against the blue sky