Jenny McIntyre

Jenny McIntyre deceased

Posted: 24 Oct 2019

Taken: 23 Oct 2019

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1/30 f/3.1 5.0 mm ISO 400

Panasonic DMC-FS16

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Fridays for Future Fridays for Future

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149 visits

So sad - he had blood coming out his beak

So sad - he had blood coming out his beak
He died very quickly and I do think that he'd broken his neck

, Danielle, Fred Fouarge and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

14 comments - The latest ones
Maeluk club
It is sad that the bird didn't survive Jenny. It was a pretty one, it looks like a thrush.
5 years ago.
Jenny McIntyre club has replied to Maeluk club
Yes, I did try to resusitate him, but his head lolled all over the place, so I think it was broken.
5 years ago.
 Pat Del
Pat Del club
Poor bird !
5 years ago.
Jenny McIntyre club has replied to Pat Del club
Oui c'est très triste - c'était un magnifique petit oiseau
5 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
tegen een ruit aan gevlogen
5 years ago.
Jenny McIntyre club has replied to Fred Fouarge club
Ja, hij vloog recht mijn raam in. Ik neem aan dat hij was opgeschrikt door een andere grote vogel of de katten van de buren. Suh jammer.
5 years ago.
Que c'est triste à voir ! Il était si beau !
5 years ago.
Jenny McIntyre club has replied to Danielle
Oui, j'étais vraiment très triste de voir qu'il était mort. Lorsque l'autre s'est envolé vers mon autre fenêtre, il s'est confondu, puis s'est envolé. Il était en effet, un très beau gars.
5 years ago.
 Janet Brien
Janet Brien club
:( :( :( :(
Awwww, that SUCKS, Jenny!! :( :( :(
What a heartbreak.
You're right though, it died instantly. We have only had a couple of birdy deaths due to flying into the windows but it does happen. Usually they are knocked senseless and sit for a while before finally recovering and flying off.

Thanks so much for all of your wonderful comments on my pictures, Jenny! They were taken as we drove from Oregon to southern California. Through a dirty window in fact, can you believe it?!

Yep, we're really happy that we were able to trade in our old was a terrible situation because we didn't want to sell it to a family or anyone...what if something bad happened because of the damage? So this was best!

I'm out of time but I'll be reading your blog and commenting maybe later tonight or tomorrow! *BIG HUGS TO YOU MY DEAR!*
5 years ago.
Jenny McIntyre club has replied to Janet Brien club
Yes I'd have felt very cautious selling the old RV to someone else, because you are already aware of what's not right about it. At least this way, they've probably got mechanics etc to go over it and fix what's wrong. If they sell it, then at least you won't know about it!!!!

As for taking pictures through a dirty window - I couldn't see that at all - your idea of a dirty window may not be my idea!!!! Could you write a message on the window? LOL
5 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
So sad an end to this lovely bird. Well done Jenny Regards Tess.
5 years ago.
Jenny McIntyre club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodha
I was really distressed that it died, as the other one a few weeks or so ago, didn't die, he just knocked himself silly and then flew off.
5 years ago.
ROL/Photo club
Oui lorsque les oiseaux se fracasse la tête contre une vitre
soit.. ils sont K.O ..(donc évanouis ) et souvent reviennent à eux au bout de quelques minutes
par contre lorsque l'on aperçoit du sang dans le bec c'est que la nuque est brisée..
et ils meurent sur le coup
l'oiseau s'appelle une Grive musicienne
4 years ago.
Jenny McIntyre club has replied to ROL/Photo club
Oh merci pour l'information que cet oiseau s'appelle une grive musicienne. J'étais très contrarié quand il est mort, mon chat amène souvent des souris, mais il ne les tue jamais, donc je dois les remettre dehors, mais il n'amène pas d'oiseaux - il n'est pas assez rapide !!!
4 years ago.

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