Don't eat with your mouth open Beaky.

2021 diary

14 Mar 2021

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I think it needs some mice.

I woke early. A miracle ! There was a lovely red sky so I was photographing out the window and thinking "red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning". But it turned into a sunny day. Tidied up, gave the kitchen a wipe over and cleaned the bathroom. Put out lots of bird seed and organised the tools for the great house number window box installation then settled down for a read and a rest. Andy came over a bit early and the job was done in ten minutes. Very pleased and it stands out well so delivery men should have no problems. After that the afternoon was spent gossiping and eating cake. Altogether a pleasant day. I haven't walked but I'm having a day off. Checking the forecast and planning to have a day out on Tuesday which looks as if it is going to be sunny. Tonight I'm going to binge on lamb with minted peas some particularly yummy oven chips and see if I can find some suitable white mice online.

13 Mar 2021

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A lovely sunny day when, once again, I scarcely crossed the threshold. Just a quick walk near sunset. However, online access to my bank account has been restored to normal thank goodness, the bed is changed, wet wall cleaned and washing done. It's so nice to have fresh towels and bed linen. No gardening done but I enjoyed photographing the birds. They have all adjusted to the new feeder now. The blackbirds in particular like it. My extra is of one who was not pleased when Beaky came and fed beside him.

12 Mar 2021

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Ageing gracefully

Sun and showers. Colder and wetter than yesterday so I stayed at home. Washed a few clothes, set Roomba going upstairs and photographed my ageing tulips. Got into my bank account but it's still not working properly. Apparently they are closing a branch in nearby Cupar so there is lots of confusion and online traffic. Shouldn't really affect me but if I'm still having problems on Monday I'll have to contact them again. That's about my day although I took myself to Birnie as the light was going and had a quick walk round. Had it all to myself which was nice.

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11 Mar 2021

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Field colour and geometry.

Still up late and lethargic but the sun was shining. I went out to see what the pile of prunings I needed to put in my car was like. I expected very wet after last nights wind and rain but no. They were as dry as bones. Shunted them into the car instantly then went to feed the birds. Found Beaky outside the kitchen door ready to fly inside if I'd let him and felt I was off to a lucky start. After a very late breakfast I drilled drainage holes in my house number box. A sack of pea gravel arrived and some wood preservative so the bit of fence I'd prepared got doused in the stuff. The postie brought a renewal price for my car insurance which I opened reluctantly. It always rises astronomically and I then have to search around. Not this year. No price rise and a promise next year will be the same. Have they decided to keep old customers instead of always having low prices to attract new ones ? Began to feel I needed to pinch myself to make sure I had wakened up. Decided I would follow the instructions for activating my renewal of my computer security. Something went wrong when I bought it and sorting it out has been a pain so I expected this to be a pain too. But it all went smoothly. Made off to the recycling with my prunings, filled up with petrol and drove off to Loch Leven's Larder for weekend cake. The weather was amazing. One moment the sky was blue. The next black cloud had descended with a ragged edge of rain showers falling through a strip of sunlight. Then all was dark and misty and a minute later the rain and cloud had moved on and it was blue sky and sunshine again. I was driving along a back road into the sun with shining puddles hiding pot holes of unknown depth. Stopping in field gates for photos. There was hail. Sometimes I had to photograph from the car as rain was being blown onto my lens and I could hardly see what I was taking. It was so magical I got carried away and pulled myself together just in time to buy cake and nibbles. Drove home more sedately on the main road stopping for a few more shots. I love the field colours. Just as well for, when I looked at my haul flare was everywhere in spite of using a lens hood. But it didn't matter. Just being there and enjoying the show was enough.

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10 Mar 2021

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Rainy day on the Tay.

Still in the doldrums but the kitchen had to be cleaned and disinfected so set the kitchen timer to see if I could speed up a bit and I did. Packed the jigsaw away. It's been sitting untouched for a week so I don't think it's been a success. There will be somebody I can give it to who will enjoy it. Did a quick check on my bank account and everything went pear shaped. The screen froze and I couldn't log out. Had to close the screen down then try to log back in but I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to access my account. Phoned the bank, eventually was transferred to the right place for help, waited in a long queue and while there my grocery delivery arrived. Transferred most of it before I got to the head of the queue and the grocery guy was very understanding and helpful. Then there was a long nightmarish effort to get me back into my account which eventually succeeded. I had to hang up as the bank was sending me a once only code to complete things. This didn't work and I got a message to try again later. Shortly after the phone rang and it was Andy. Did I know my front door was open with my groceries inside it. Gave him the whole saga which was good as it calmed me down and he's coming on Sunday to put up my house number. Took myself off to Newburgh in the rain for a photo then had a little walk in Heatherhall Woods. Tried again with the one off code and this time was given it. Whew ! What a horrible waste of time it all was. However I've made a note of what eventually got us back in just in case it ever happens again.

09 Mar 2021

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Bedding violets.

Having a little fit of the doldrums. In bed early and up late again not wanting to do anything. Some clothes got put through the washing machine in the morning and in the afternoon I tackled the fence where my house number window box is to go. Measured carefully than sawed off a length of the fence post I bought yesterday. Got the length just right, fractionally too big. Spread glue on it and on the fence where it was to go and hammered it home in between the fenceposts. Tied the two surfaces tightly together and that's it until tomorrow when I will add wood preservative and then wood dye the day after. Should be ready for Andy at the weekend. None of this was difficult or took long so I was soon back on the sofa with tea and toast and jam. Nothing else done. No walk. Laziness prevailed. Finally realised I had no photo so brought in the bedding violets intended for the little window box. Very much a last minute effort.

08 Mar 2021

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Top of the totem.

I never seem to manage two busy days in a row. Went to bed at a reasonable hour but woke up late this morning not in the mood to do anything. Eventually dragged myself out after lunch to visit Homebase where I bought a fencepost, a hacksaw and a tray of violets. Not many people and very well organised. On the way home I decided to have a look at Formonthills, run by the Woodland Trust. I used to go there years ago for a different route up East Lomond, something which is now beyond me. I hardly recognised the place it has changed so much and for the better. Lots of trees and paths and various sculptures where paths cross. When I got to the Totem Pole I had, of course, to carry on up the hill to see if I could see the Lomonds. There they were and, much to my surprise, a trig point for Rhind Hill. It's only a little hill but it's a while since I saw a trig point. Cheered me up no end.

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07 Mar 2021

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Hazel catkins.

Another sunny morning that turned to cloud. A nice restful breakfast then chores got done and after that a search for an electric drill which took me into the loft all for nothing. Eventually I found it and drill bits and screws, marked my plant box house number for an extra screw and some drainage holes. That's it ready till I buy the fence post tomorrow. Pleased to have got rid of a few little tasks leaving me more time free on Monday. Went to the Pillars for milk and had to buy a plastic container as they only had semi-skimmed in glass. Mustn't go there at the weekend. Too many people milling around and not keeping their distance. The shop is OK. It's the people who've come for a little walk. I went up to Strath Community Woodland for mine which is nice and quiet. It was very still. Not much of a breeze so ideal to capture the hazel catkins. I want to photograph some red ones too. I think they are alder so must look at Birnie where I know there are some. Came home to make hot chocolate with nutmeg and eat toast and jam. Feeling very full up as a result. Don't think I'll be eating much dinner.

06 Mar 2021

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Tulips at last !

A sunny morning and quite warm but it became cloudier as the day went on and my walk at dusk was pretty chilly. Glad I had put on my hat and gloves. Some washing, cleaning and bed changing early on but I did get into the garden so more ivy has gone and I've booked a recycling slot for next Thursday. Scrubbed out the shell of the three quarters coconut. I'm going to hang it in the crab apple tree and see if anyone fancies it as a nest. Fiddled around photographing the tulips. They came on Wednesday after four weeks of "not available" so I plan to make the most of them. I'm hoping to buy some more next week when I go shopping for a fence post.
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