Merry Christmas, lousy new year.


Meet Raven! She's an aged Beagle that was abandoned at a friend's kennel. I am lucky enough to be her guardian for the remainder of her days. We don't know what her past was like, but her future is full of spoiling and uninterrupted power naps!

21 Apr 2015

62 visits

April 21

20 Apr 2015

75 visits

April 20

"I've spoken with the spirit of Macy, and she says you need to take this ridiculous thing OFF of me."

19 Apr 2015

61 visits

19 Apr 2015

66 visits

In all her finery.

This coat was a little snug on Macy, but it positively engulfs little Raven!

18 Apr 2015

63 visits

April 18

Who dat? It's my new navigator, Raven! An aged Beagle in need of a soft place to could I say no?
14 items in total