January 1

2015, A Photo A Day

One photo every day. Not necessarily the best, but there you are.

note : I was not able to keep up with the photo per day. I think this will be my last attempt at this! I become much too busy with life to remember to pick up my camera some days.

26 Feb 2015

68 visits

February 26

27 Feb 2015

93 visits

February 27

28 Feb 2015

68 visits

February 28

A New England tradition - American chop suey! I couldn't let a winter go by without making one.

01 Mar 2015


84 visits

March 1

Red sky in the morning...

02 Mar 2015

93 visits

March 2

03 Mar 2015

72 visits

March 3

04 Mar 2015

86 visits

March 4

05 Mar 2015

138 visits

March 5

06 Mar 2015

73 visits

March 6

287 items in total